Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Who taught you how to cook?

No one in particular.  Growing up, I was the child who had to wash the dishes or go with my daddy (which I loved) feed the cattle.  I learned my cooking expertise from recipe books and friends.  I learned something new to fix this summer while seeing my sorority sisters---a big thanks to Susan Leonard--what patience she had with me!!!!

2. Have you been told you think too much? Are too much of a perfectionist? Are too sensitive? Were they right?
Yes, Definitely think too much--Undeniably I am OCD in way  too many facets in my life.  Sensitive--that depends on the type of day I am having.
Were they right?  Again this depends on the circumstance.

3. As a child did you have a favorite blanket or toy? Tell about it.
My favorite toll/doll was Mrs. Beasley.  She had blond hair, wore glasses, and a blue polka dot apron.  She was so adorable.  However, one time I became angry (imagine that) and I hit her head against a couch or something, and her head fell off.  I tried sewing her head back on, but  no way could I get her head back on.

4. What 'institution' do you have the most faith in?

Stumped me on this one.  Must be my lingering 'sickness' still affecting me.  The only answer I can think of is family.  Family is still important to me and I have instilled this value into my daughters.  The world can and will be mean and cruel, but you will always have your family for support.

5. Chrysanthemums-pansies-burning bush-ornamental cabbage...your favorite in an autumn garden?

Chrysanthemums---what is ornamental cabbage?

6. What superpower do the kids in your neighborhood seem to posses?

Not many kids living in my neighborhood.  Last night was a different story!  The only superpower they posses is driving by with their stereo blaring.  I usually respond with---"Boy, the natives are restless."

7. Are you a fan of the cranberry?

For eating-absolutely no-to use as decoration-yes.

8.  Random thought
Charlie had a good report from his oncologist last week  :)   Sadder note--I was sick all week and missed school.  Temperature was very high and body ached all over.  I was tested for flu and thankfully was negative, but I think I had some type of flu-with the symptoms.  Returning to school on Monday, I was greeted with hugs from students--Gosh I never dreamed how much 8th graders missed me and they even made me a Get Well Card.   On a another note-road trips start this week--basketball will be in full swing-First stop-Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for the weekend.
Have a great week.

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Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...