Sunday, May 22, 2011

Moving--Your're Kidding Right???

Why do college kids think they have to move every year.  Daughter #2 is moving AGAIN!!!!!  Her freshmen year in college she lived in a dorm.  Thankful for all the college football players that helped her move in her first year.  Her second year she lived in an apartment on campus-this was okay.  Last year she and her roommate rented a trailer.  So thankful for boyfriends who helped with the move.  Now her senior year she informed us she was moving to a condo-needed to be out by May 25th.  What????  Your're kidding right?????

You guessed it--right?  We went yesterday to begin the dreaded packing boxes.  Now, why all earth do they (daughter and roommate) have a George Forman Grill, 3 coffee pots, crock pot, toaster oven, hot chocolate maker, and a pot or whatever you call it for boiling water.  You would think they were setting up housekeeping!!! Not to mention whenever I would  talk to my daughter she was going or had went to Sonic, McDoanlad's, Pals, or some other place to eat!!!  So I began packing!!! and the durn things weren't clean--so I went off!!!!!!!  I began yelling and saying a few choice words to who--myself of course.  Daughter was in her bedroom packing and her roommate is still in Virginia Beach!!!!  But afterwards I felt better!!!!! 

I couldn't wait to get home and hit the shower!!!  Then I heard the comment, "Mom is hateful."  I didn't respond just let in go in one ear and out the other.  Yep, I had every right to be hateful!!!  I had packed boxes and cleaned-plus on top of all of this-I have a terrible cold and my eye infection is back!! So I wasn't feeling the best of worlds and then a 2 yr. old to bathe-So sometimes Mom does get tired and irritable!!!!

Today I feel much better and it is a beautiful sunshiny, warm day!

I have come to this conclusion: life is full of transitions!!

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