Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wednesday Hodgeodge

1. Is your home air conditioned? If it's not air conditioned, is that by choice? Did you grow up with air conditioning? If not how did you cope with the heat? Share about a time or place you remember as being too hot-the temperature kind of hot, lest anyone be confused.

My home is air conditioned.
Growing up, I did not have air conditioned.  It was a few years after I had gotten married when Dad and Mom decided to put air conditioned in their home. Mom and Dad would put fans in the windows at night to keep the house cool.  Early in the morning, the fans would be taken out of the windows, and the windows would be closed.  I don't remember ever being too hot at night to sleep.   
Hub gets a little perturbed sometimes because I can't stand for our house to be shut constantly.  There are some days I will open up the windows and let fresh air in.  Hub likes the coolness of the  air conditioner!  
A place I remember being too hot is when the girls were younger we took them to Disney World in July.  Way too hot in the day to enjoy.

2. What's something in your life right now that falls under the heading 'up in the air'?

We have to attend a meeting this weekend in North Carolina and hub can't decide on the time to leave.  For those who know me, I need to know the time (like last week) we are leaving so I can get things in order.  Hub will probably decide the night before the time he wants to leave-which aggravates me-but I roll with it.

3. Your favorite light and airy dessert?


4. When did you last feel like you were 'floating on air'?

I felt like I am 'floating on air' watching all the accomplishments of my daughters. My oldest daughter had two open heart surgeries before she was two years old.  Watching her graduate from pharmacy school, passing her boards, and beginning her own drug store I feel as though I was floating on air.
My youngest daughter will be getting married in August and graduating in May 2016 with her doctorate of physical therapy degree.

5. Airport, airmail, airtight, airhead...which have you most recently encountered? Explain.

Airhead....Last week with all the bridal shower stuff going on, hub asked me to take a package and mail it.  Hub assured me it would only take a minute or two. I have kept grandson (6yrs) all summer so I explained to grandson  last Thursday that I had a trillion things to do and I gave him the talk I had given my girls when I had a lot to do and their behavior had to be good or....they knew what would happen.
Anyway, I took the package to the post office to be weighed and mailed. The lady behind the counter told me the address was wrong on the package.  She asked me what was the correct address and I told her I did not know.  I proceeded to explain this was a package my husband was sending and I did not know the address.  I phoned hub and explained the situation, and he replied it was the correct address. I told lady the address was correct on the package which she replied no it wasn't and then told me she did not believe me that I did know the address! I bit my tongue and took a few deep breaths!   Thirty minutes later, I took the package back to hub and told him to go.  Hub went back to the post office-encounter the same lady and the package was weighed and mailed! Duh-go figure..

6.  Have you ever been to the Alps? If so where did you go? If not, is this a destination on your must-see list? If you were headed that direction this summer, which of the following would be your preferred activity...a gentle walk, a serious walk, a bike ride, a boat ride around one of the lakes, or summer snow skiing?

I have never been to the Alps.  If headed there, I would prefer a gentle walk.

7. What is one saying or phrase that was considered 'cool' when you were growing up?

'Right On' when agreeing with someone.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

July surprised us at first by being less humid and a little cool at night.  Surprise is over as the heat has returned along with the heavy thunderstorms.


  1. Visiting from the Hodgepodge--I agree with you about travel wholeheartedly! I have to have plans and lists and schedules or it drives me crazy!

  2. Excited to hear all about the big day! We've had crazy storms this month too, including a tornado. I don't remember ever having tornadoes in NJ! Stay cool!

  3. My husband is the same way about traveling. I have to be organized and have a schedule!
    That is so weird about the post office lady! How does she know whether or not the address is correct? Weird.

  4. LT is spontaneous, but is very specific on when to leave (with extra time). It is the spontaneous I have trouble with. I am a planner. I totally feel your pain! How cool about your daughters! You must be button busting proud!

  5. Oh I would have been so cross with the woman at the post office! I can fully understand the pride regarding your daughter's accomplishments.

  6. Post offices can be stressful enough! Hopefully it got all figured out and sent to the correct place, maybe you were right after all!

  7. Hope you get a time set for your trip. I know exactly what you mean. I have to have all my plans in order for a trip! That was one strange situation at the post office.

  8. I can see why you feel like floating on air!

    Our heat and humidity reared its ugly head here as well. Can't wait for fall and winter!

  9. Wow, you have good reason to be floating on air! :-) like you, I like the windows open once in a while to get fresh air in. Usually we open them at night and close them again in the morning.

  10. Wow, you have good reason to be floating on air! :-) like you, I like the windows open once in a while to get fresh air in. Usually we open them at night and close them again in the morning.

  11. Wow, you have good reason to be floating on air! :-) like you, I like the windows open once in a while to get fresh air in. Usually we open them at night and close them again in the morning.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)?  My senior year in high school; we missed the entire m...