Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Thanks Joyce for the questions.

1. When did you last 'swim against the tide'? Explain.

A couple of years ago, we opened up a new pharmacy in town along with a coffee shop.  Our town is very small.  Opening up a business from the ground up was overwhelming. There were many people who were offered their negative opinions but we kept swimming.  Daughter is doing great as a pharmacist!! and I am so proud of her.

2. What's the last self-help or self-improvement book you read?

The Bible-I read a devotion and mediate daily.

3"Tolerance is a tremendous virtue, but the immediate neighbors of tolerance are apathy and weakness." (Sir James Goldsmith) 

Agree or disagree? Discuss. With civility please, because I think we have a good thing going in our very diverse (in geography, age, religion, political persuasion, ethnicity, marital status, upbringing, and cooking abilities) neighborhood here on This Side of the Pond.

I understand what he is saying.  I try to be tolerant of others even though I do no agree with their sayings or lifestyle.  I usually just keep quiet trying not to ruffle any feathers.  Then I feel by me keeping quiet I have agreed with them because keeping quiet is doing something.

4. What is one of your most vivid memories of the kitchen from your childhood?

My most vivid memory would be all the wonderful smells as Mom was baking.

5. How did/do your own children's summers compare with your summers as a child? If you're not a parent, answer as it relates to what you've observed about the current generation of children vs. your own childhood.

When growing up, I remember attending church camp for a week. We would travel to Baltimore to see my grandparents.  The rest of my summer I helped Mom and Dad around the house and then playing outside with all our creativity games.
My daughters summers were packed with camps-sport camps and band camps.  Hub and I would take daughters on vacations-usually to the beach or Disney world. I would let daughters sleep in which is something I seldom was able to do as child.
Today, I observe children staying inside.  I have to make grandson go outside and play; he would rather stay in and play his Ipad or watch television.  Children today do not know how to play games such as drop the handkerchief, red light, mother may I?, which makes me sad.

6. Tell us what body of water you would most like to be on or near today, and why?

I am not a water person at all.  I am content just watching all the water activities from the shore.

7.  Share a favorite song about water, or a favorite song with the word water in it's title, or a favorite song to listen to as you sit beside the water.

"There Must Be Something in the Water"

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Yesterday, I took grandson for an outing.  He is going to be staying with his other grandmother while his dad plays golf.  I know some days I feel like I need a break but when the break comes I miss him too much.

A couple of nights ago I went to a little 'get together' and had a great time catching up with friends.  I hope when I retire, I can still keep in touch with ole colleagues and still get together with them.


  1. Ah, yes - "There Must Be Something in the Water" - Carrie Underwood. I didn't immediately think of it but I love that song. And, I love Carrie!

  2. I, too, am sad about children spending so much time inside. But it does seem to be the norm. I have a hard time keeping quiet sometimes about things I don't agree with. I think, though, it is sad when the other side isn't tolerant of my views!

  3. Good morning! First I too LOVE that song by Carrie....but then can't think of much she sings I don't love, lol. It does seem as if todays kids sit in the house WAY too much. All of my kids for some reason are pretty firm with my grandkids about getting outside though so I don't have to worry much about my grands. The other day I was at my oldest son's house and his 11 year old was ordered to their pool, lol. He had been sitting in front of his computer playing games for over an hour and my son first "suggested" he get outside for a while and when he said he didn't know if he felt like that or not my son walked over and clicked off the computer and said, "Now go get in the pool for a while!" haha....that's got to be a first. The lure of all the electronics is a strong one! Have a wonderful day!

  4. Good morning! First I too LOVE that song by Carrie....but then can't think of much she sings I don't love, lol. It does seem as if todays kids sit in the house WAY too much. All of my kids for some reason are pretty firm with my grandkids about getting outside though so I don't have to worry much about my grands. The other day I was at my oldest son's house and his 11 year old was ordered to their pool, lol. He had been sitting in front of his computer playing games for over an hour and my son first "suggested" he get outside for a while and when he said he didn't know if he felt like that or not my son walked over and clicked off the computer and said, "Now go get in the pool for a while!" haha....that's got to be a first. The lure of all the electronics is a strong one! Have a wonderful day!

  5. I wouldn't say I love the water.... but I do always end up enjoying time we spend at the beach.

  6. Kids games are definitely different from how they used to be - and not in a good way I think

  7. I love that song too. Hope all is going well in the wedding planning department. Hoping too I'll see you in a couple of weeks. Are you going to the reunion?

  8. I remember you opening that shop. Baking memories are the best! ((Hugs)) on your random thoughts......

  9. Hi,
    Great choice for a song. :-)
    Have a great weekend.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)?  My senior year in high school; we missed the entire m...