Sunday, October 5, 2014

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind...

This weekend was a blur.....maybe it was a blur because of the hectic week I had!!

Having bus duty the entire week is rough enough but throw in ticket duty, church practice, feeding the football team Friday evening (many pizzas were made), and attending a conference is just a wee too much in a week.

Gorgeous blue skies even though it was a bit chilly. The temps dropped to the 40's Friday and Saturday nights.
The trees are beginning to change color, and I love this view from my back deck.
It might feel like fall, but my marigolds are still holding up.

I do not know very much about flowers, but I did think my marigolds would not look this way after our chilly weekend.  Glad they do, though.

After bus duty, ticket duty, and attending an all-day conference on Saturday, I was a little beat.  Saturday evening hub grilled out while I chilled out.  I must have chilled out a little too much because by 8:30 that evening I was sound asleep and making some heavy noises.  At least hub says I was making some heavy snoring noises.  I told him I didn't hear a thing!

Sunday was another chilly, windy day.  Daughter #1 has a beautiful, huge tree behind her house-picture time!

Tried to get tree in there--hum...take my word for it, the tree is gorgeous.

I was wanting to stay home this evening and grade papers and get caught up on some things, but 'Little Man' reminded me it was church night and we needed to go.  I didn't try to talk him out of it, but I really wanted to stay home. But I heard, "Come on Mamaw let's go."  I dropped 'little man' off in his class and headed to Bible Study. The Bible Study was great and afterwards thought to myself-see what I would have missed by staying at home!  A child leading me to church tonight-thank God for this child.

On another thought-Went to Wal-Mart this week and I saw Christmas decorations out!  Oh My!!

Have a great week and Enjoy Life.

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Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...