Monday, September 8, 2014

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind....

Friday evening was our first high school football game at home.  It was a very hot day.  How hot?  Our school system dismissed two hours early due to the hear-not all classrooms have AC.  Teachers stayed until 3:00-I know some complained, but I on the other hand didn't mind.  I was able to get some teacher 'stuff' done.  Anyway, like I mentioned, the day was hot!  Hub and I planned on opening up the coffee shop after the game for desserts (homemade cakes and fried pies), coffee, and soft drinks.  Around 6:00, the rain came.  Around 7:00 the rain stopped and a gorgeous rainbow appeared in the sky-God's beauty never ceases to amaze me-just hated I didn't have camera with me.  Ballgame began on time and all was good. Hub and I listened to the ballgame on the radio while we did some last minute things. People (not as many as hoped for) came to the coffee shop afterwards.  Mush Much to my surprise, some football players came and ordered pizza.  Yes, hub does have homemade pizza.  The football players cleaned us out-a good sign.  Most stayed until the game came on over the late news-just to hear the score announce one more time and to watch the highlights.  Of course we won!  Going to rant a minute-people complain about having nothing to do or no place to go after the game, but it is those same people who will not attend anything.  All I can say to them is--you really miss out by not socializing with others.

Saturday was a day of doing some much needed yard work.  Boy was it hot!  Have I mentioned that already?  I told hub we really chose the perfect day to work in the yard-(sarcasms inserted) 
Little Man spent the night with us, again.  He also spent Friday night with us.  Hub watched football Saturday evening.  After giving Little Man his bath, I joined him in bed and fell sound asleep.  A little tired after a full week of bus duty, opening up the coffee shop Friday evening, and doing yard work-takes a toll on a person now and then was my answer to hub when he asked why I was going to bed.

Sunday- is still quite warm for this time of year.  I was going to take the little ones out during church to play and walk a little but they said, "Ms.Tammy-it's too hot to go outside!"

Tomorrow is another week of school. Hearing the weather report-low 80's makes me smile.  Have a great week and Enjoy Life.

1 comment:

  1. We had a super humid weekend, but I was mostly indoors on Saturday. The weather broke that night and Sunday was so gorgeous. We went to the Jets game and it couldn't have been a prettier day. Have a nice week!


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