Monday, July 7, 2014

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind....

I turned another year older on Thursday.  The older I get, the faster time goes by.

This was the first time our family was not together for the Fourth of July :(    I knew hub would not be his usual self-not only do I love family gatherings, but hub enjoys grilling out for all.    Each year it gets harder and harder to get us all together.
We have gone from this....

to only this

We did enjoy grilling out.

A beautiful, clear sky
and the temps were in the upper 70's.  Not bad for Fourth of July when temps are usually sweltering hot.  After eating we did sit and reminisce.  Because my birthday is the day before the Fourth of July, I always think back to what I was doing last year. So much has happened this year-some sad with the loss of our loved ones...
Charlie's sweet Mama being carried across the yard by daughter's boyfriend (now finance)
Hard to believe Charlie's Mom is no longer with us.Celebrating first holidays without our loved ones are hard.
This time last year we were celebrating daughter passing her state boards in pharmacy...
So proud of my daughter--Dr. Doane
We also were remodeling a building to open up Chilhowie Drug Company and Coffee we have went from this..

to this..

Daughter #2 has become engaged....

wedding plans have not of yet...but thinking plans will begin soon.

The older I get, the faster time goes by. (Worth mentioning again)

Saturday while hub was at the Coffee Shop, I tacked the job of cleaning out our garage. This has been something I have been putting off.  So much junk piled up!  When I there was something that I didn't know what to do with, I just stuck it in the garage.  Now one 'thing' has become too many things!  Hours and hours I worked and hub would drive by occasionally and ask if I was okay and bring me McDonald's Tea. People would drive by and ask if I was having a yard sale.  Nope just doing some major cleaning.  But then I thought to myself, I might just have a yard sale next Saturday and get rid of the stuff.  Another man's junk is someone else treasure, right?  Mission was accomplished that afternoon!!  Some friends stopped by and I would ask them-"You want to see the garage?" They replied, "Huh?"  After explaining how I had cleaned it out-they were amazed!!

Grandson's dad went to a concert, so we kept Grandson that night.  I really don't mind.  Even though I was a little tired from garage cleaning, I enjoy this little fellow.
He enjoys playing men and catching fireflies!  Of course he didn't go to sleep until 11:00 that evening.  I was ready to crash long before that.

Daughter #1 has been wanting to go riding with neighbor on his motorcycle.  Hub hated the idea of her even thinking about this.  Hub owned an insurance office for years, and his reply to motorcycle riding was donor cycles.  He really has a fear of riding motorcycles.  But daughter got her chance to ride Sunday.
I enjoyed riding motorcycles when I was growing up in Baltimore.  My uncles rode bikes and I would always tag along.  I don't think I still have the same feeling today-too much traffic and careless drivers on the road.

Looking at my calendar it just dawned on me--I have three days of in service next week-ugh!  It seems like after the Fourth of July, school in service and conferences begin.  I am not ready!!  Hub celebrates his birthday this week!  Time is going by too fast!

Have a great week!

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Wednesday Hodgepodge

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