Sunday, January 26, 2014

Weekend Rewind...

It is a balmy 47 outside right now!  

It has been terribly cold this past week.  We only had two school days last week :(  Now I do get excited when I get the message that school is closed but now it's like-Oh No-not again.  Friday our school system was on a delay (due to the extreme cold) and I was completely ready to face the day when I got the message school was closed.  At first I was a little mad-but quickly got over it and went shopping!!

Later that day, I went to help hub in the coffee shop.  Glad I did. Last week I found the cutest shop-Amish that is and I took a business card.  Yep, I called them and two sweet, gentle, and delightful ladies came down to the coffee shop on Friday-hum...about the time I happen to get there-coincidence one might say.  They had brought samples of their homemade pies, doughnuts, and pumpkin rolls.  Oh my gosh-all was scrumptious!  Hub knew my wheels in my brain had been turning since last week, and he was a little hesitant with my idea but one bite of the homemade goods and ...he was absolutely flabbergasted!!  So we will be serving these items....
 Pumpkin roll so tasty.
 The pies are delicious!

I have never seen a doughnut so huge!! 

One must serve some sort of sweets at a coffee shop, right?

A little snow fell yesterday-

Heck, if it is going to snow-I want SNOW!! not just a little.  All is gone today.

I have missed...

he has been so sick and I haven't seen him since last Sunday when he was washing his men in the sink.  It is painful hearing about 'my little man' being so ill.  On the bright side-talked to him this morning, and I could hear the chirp in his voice.  Hopefully he is on the road to recovery.

Like I mentioned earlier, the temp is 47 and feels like a heat wave. Hub, daughter, and I went to eat after church services and we jokingly wondered if we should turn the A.C. on!  Hub reminded me not to get too excited-more colder air is expected this week.  I politely reminded him not to bust my bubble!

Have a great week y'all.

1 comment:

  1. When I was posting my comment for your Hodgepodge I saw the '120' on the thermometer and had to double check it !!!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...