Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday hodgepodge

1. It's  been said that one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. Do you think that's true? Do you find that an easy exercise most mornings? What's something positive you told yourself today? If you missed that boat, what's something positive you could tell yourself tomorrow?

Your way of thinking does determine your day-that is how I believe.  Each morning, I read a ten minute devotion before heading off to school and hum this song on the drive to school..(posted in random thoughts).  Mornings are easier to have positive thoughts-what better way to begin your day!
I can do this-my positive saying.

2. There will be karaoke at the next party you attend...are you in? Or will you be faking a sore throat?

People will want me to fake a sore throat!!

3. January 29th is National Puzzle Day...what's something you've found puzzling recently?

I find it puzzling how some people believe what they are doing is right-when the Bible plainly says it is wrong. 

4.  Jigsaw, crossword, acrostic, logic, sudoku, word search...what's your favorite kind of puzzle, and when did you last work one?

Sudoku-a great way to help math students think outside the box.

5. Recently a writer by the name of Amy Glass ruffled feathers with a post she wrote saying she looks down on young women with husbands and kids and she's not sorry. Among other things, she says women will be equal with men when we stop saying house work and real work are equally important. You can read the whole piece by clicking here.

What say you? Do you think men and women are equal in the 21st century? Why or why not?

It is difficult managing a household and having a career especially if your career is demanding and you are spending a lot of time at your job.
I am OCD when it comes to housework and now that both daughters are grown, I wonder how on earth did I get all my housework done, laundry done, dinner fixed each night, grading papers and attending school meetings, and was STILL able to attend all daughters' activities and be a part of their life!
I didn't answer your question did I?  Hub would occassionally help with the housework, but like I said I am OCD in that area and well one knows one can't do it to please me.  Lately, I don't sweat so much on the housework-(family pleased with me on this one)-what is a little dust ball, anyway?

I think women have come a long way to being equal with men.

6. What's a product you've noticed in the grocery store that you'd like to try, but haven't yet?

In my grocery store-nothing.

7. The author, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (aka Lewis Carroll) was born this week in 1832 (January 27th).  Which character from his celebrated novel, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, would you most like to meet, and why? Here's a linkto a character list if you need help on this one. 

The Cheshire Cat.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Weekend Rewind...

It is a balmy 47 outside right now!  

It has been terribly cold this past week.  We only had two school days last week :(  Now I do get excited when I get the message that school is closed but now it's like-Oh No-not again.  Friday our school system was on a delay (due to the extreme cold) and I was completely ready to face the day when I got the message school was closed.  At first I was a little mad-but quickly got over it and went shopping!!

Later that day, I went to help hub in the coffee shop.  Glad I did. Last week I found the cutest shop-Amish that is and I took a business card.  Yep, I called them and two sweet, gentle, and delightful ladies came down to the coffee shop on Friday-hum...about the time I happen to get there-coincidence one might say.  They had brought samples of their homemade pies, doughnuts, and pumpkin rolls.  Oh my gosh-all was scrumptious!  Hub knew my wheels in my brain had been turning since last week, and he was a little hesitant with my idea but one bite of the homemade goods and ...he was absolutely flabbergasted!!  So we will be serving these items....
 Pumpkin roll so tasty.
 The pies are delicious!

I have never seen a doughnut so huge!! 

One must serve some sort of sweets at a coffee shop, right?

A little snow fell yesterday-

Heck, if it is going to snow-I want SNOW!! not just a little.  All is gone today.

I have missed...

he has been so sick and I haven't seen him since last Sunday when he was washing his men in the sink.  It is painful hearing about 'my little man' being so ill.  On the bright side-talked to him this morning, and I could hear the chirp in his voice.  Hopefully he is on the road to recovery.

Like I mentioned earlier, the temp is 47 and feels like a heat wave. Hub, daughter, and I went to eat after church services and we jokingly wondered if we should turn the A.C. on!  Hub reminded me not to get too excited-more colder air is expected this week.  I politely reminded him not to bust my bubble!

Have a great week y'all.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It was decided on Sunday the Denver Broncos will meet the Seattle Seahawks in this year's  Superbowl. So when was the last time you bowled? Not where you thought this question was going is it?  Do you like to bowl? Are you any good? 

Went bowling many years ago before having children.  Bowling is okay.  I remember pretty good at it, that is after I picked out my bowling ball, which seem to have taken me forever to do.

2.   Should sports stars be role models? 

Depends on the sports star.  For some sport stars, absolutely NOT, and then for others absolutely YES!

3. January is National Oatmeal month...are you a fan? How do you like your oats?

Becoming a fan of oatmeal.  Grandson loves oatmeal-me I skip breakfast and I know this is very wrong.  A couple of months ago my cholestrol was not very good and I was told to eat oatmeal to lower it-so I have been trying-(the key word is trying) to eat a little oatmeal.  The fruit-is my favorite.

4. What is one book on your reading list for 2014?

The Children by David Halberstam

5. What would you like your future self to say to your present self?

Quit worrying so much about situations you can not control.

6. When scrolling through the TV guide, what is one movie title that makes you want to stop, grab the popcorn, and watch for a while?

None -now I would love to go and watch the movie-August:Osage County

7. What are two style trends you hope never come back into fashion?

The only thing that comes to my mind is the big hair styles.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Waiting on the snow--schools were closed on Tuesday-which makes day 5 for us to make-up and the snow didn't come till around 5.  Very cold this morning and our county is closed today.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Weekend Rewind...

For those who follow my blog you know how much I am a a fan of Relay for Life. This year and last year my school had put a team in this event.  Our school's team is Can-SOAR-which means we will rise above cancer.  I am kinda in charge of the fund raising for our team and we have done some projects.  The latest project is Student Choice for their favorite Snowman.  On Friday, the Snowmen were put on display...Really Great Snowmen and a huge thanks to all classes who participated....

Some pretty 'cool' snowmen.
The student's vote by placing money in a jar, and the snowman that collects the most money is declared the winner.  Also, the class who sponsored the snowman receives a prize.  The students enjoy this and it does raise money for Relay for Life.

Saturday, I went to watch my cousin play in an AAU Basketball Tournament.  Sad, but true, I miss this-seems like only yesterday I was watching youngest daughter play.  Where did the time go?
Hub said I didn't miss a beat--by that he meant my voice of yelling was back on!!!

I haven't told him yet, but I have signed grandson up for Little League Baseball-I was just practicing my vocal cords!

Later, hub and I drove and found the Dutch Pantry.  I fell in love!!  Homemade everything-from butter, to jams, jellies, bread, apple fritters, cakes/pies, etc.  Hub later explained to daughters that it was ME who caused us to be late for dinner, because it was like pulling teeth to get me to leave.  Definitely a favorite place of mine.

Sunday morning a little snow was on the ground.  Of course I went into panic mode- youngest daughter was having to drive back in this.  However, by the time she left all roads were clear as a bell.

Quiet in the Doane house tonight. :(

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1.  Are you a force to be reckoned with? In what way?

Yes, when it comes to my family.

2. What are two things you love about the wintertime? Or, if love feels like too strong a word, what are two things you 'like' about winter? 

Winter-the falling snow is absolutely gorgeous,  I really don't mind the cold -as long as it doesn't get below zero.

3. Pomegranate, kumquat, persimmon, kiwi, and guava are all fruits said to have health benefits, particularly during the winter months. Do you have a favorite on the list? Are there any on the list you haven't tried? 

Kiwi is my favorite. Never tried kumquat.

4. I passed a local church yesterday and noticed they had this on their outdoor sign- 'When all else fails, do the right thing.' Your thoughts?

We all do wrong things everyday, but one should always do what is right.  When making a decision that you know is not in your best interest-ponder the question 'What would Jesus do in this situation?' When trying to handle problems on your own maybe it is time to let God handle them.

5. Do you ski? According to one list I've seen, the top 5 ski destinations for 2014 are-St. Anton Austria, Whistler Canada, Cortina Italy, Tahoe USA, and Zermatt Switzerland.  Of the five listed, which would you most like to visit? We can make skiing optional if that helps the non-skiers with their answer. 

I would chose Zermatt Switzerland because of their brown chalets and it is car free-so don't have to worry about all the traffic.

6.  What's the last thing you looked for online? (Besides my blog!)

Does the weather count?

7. What saying, slogan, quote, or motto have you seen lately that inspires you for the new year?

Since you mentioned church signs earlier, I am going to keep with this same thought.  Recently seeing two inspirational sayings on a marquette- 1.  God doesn't want weekend visits, but full custody and 2. Drop and Roll does not work in Hell.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Bus duty this week is killing me and it is only Wednesday morning and I have three more days!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Weekend Rewind

January, the month to relax.

As I began writing my blog, I thought gosh, this weekend was not exciting, not much happening.  My mind told me to relax and enjoy the nothingness.  For those who know me, this is VERY HARD for me to do.  

Is January the month to relax?  There isn't much going on in January when it comes to celebrations.  Is January, the month to really slow down after the holidays?  

I did see some friends Friday night-Ladies Night as we have come to call it.  Enjoyed all the fellowship and food.  

Tonight, after Sunday evening church services, we opened up the coffee shop for fellowship

This was the gest of my weekend. Heck, the weather hasn't even been exciting!!!

 Martin Luther King's Day is January 20th-. The day commemorates the man who fought ceaselessly against the segregation of the African-Americans and promoted peace and preservation of life in the process. Mr King was pivotal in the fight against racial segregation and has inspired countless civil rights activists are alive today.

Hope all have a great week.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Every January 1st since 1976 Lake Superior University has published a list of words they'd like to see banished from the Queen's English.  Words may be banished due to misuse, overuse or just general uselessness (go here to read more about how the words were chosen).  Here are the words/phrases they'd like to see banished in 2014-

selfie, twerk/twerking, hashtag, Twittersphere, Mr. Mom, T-bone, ____on steroids, the suffixes-ageddon, and -pocalypse added to anything and everything, from the world of politics the words-intellectually/morally bankrupt and Obamacare, and from the world of sports the words-adversity and fan base

Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Is there a word not on the list you'd like to add?
Obamacare-enough said.

2. What one unfinished project nags at you begging to be completed in this new year?
Since hub and I moved into this house in 2oo8, I have wanted to redo the bathroom.  Not happened-hopefully this year I can tackle this project.

3. When did you last have a bowl of soup? What kind? Homemade or from a can? What's your favorite soup?
Yesterday, I had a bowl of homemade vegetable soup thanks to my good neighbor.
She made my family a crock pot full of beef vegetable soup.

4. Snowed in, snowed under, snow job...which one most applies to your life in recent days, figuratively speaking.

Snowed under-with the holidays, birthdays, sickness, and death in my family-I am snowed under.  However, the sun is shining today and this helps perk me up.

5. What's the funniest movie you've ever seen, or at least one of the funniest?
I have no idea-been so long since I have been to the movies or even sat down to watch a little television show.

6.  In general, would you say you're clumsy?
Most definitely-I have a hard time chewing gum and walking at the same time!

7. Elvis Presley was born on Hodgepodge Day (January 8th) back in 1935.  Are you an Elvis fan?  What's your favorite Elvis tune? If that's too hard, which Elvis tune do you dislike the least?  Click here for a list of his songs.

I think Elvis Presley had the best male singing voice ever-no matter what genre he sang.  My favorite songs would be his gospel songs-I can't choose just one.  I haven't heard all these songs by Elvis, but I honestly don't think I would listen to one I didn't like.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
My mother-in-law had the best day ever on Friday, as she met her Heavenly Father.  She always told my youngest daughter she wanted her to sing this song sing at her funeral and she got it.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind....

Because God is never cruel, there is a reason for all things. We must know the pain of loss; because if we never knew it, we would have no compassion for others, and we would become monsters of self-regard, creatures of unalloyed self-interest. The terrible pain of loss teaches humility to our prideful kind, has the power to soften uncaring hearts, to make a better person of a good one.” 
― Dean KoontzThe Darkest Evening of the Year

This weekend I lost a very special lady I have known for 35 years- my mother-in-law.  She was known as Nanny to my girls, Mom to my husband, 'Granny' to all the children she kept in the nursery at church and all the students at Chilhowie Middle School, but she was always Mrs. Doane to me.  A lady that was like a mother to me-now a hole in my aching heart. As the days go by, memories will be filled with laughter, but now there is an aching heart.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)?  My senior year in high school; we missed the entire m...