Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Time for Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Do you send Christmas cards? If so about how many will you send this year? How do you display the cards you receive? Or don't you? (gasp!)
Family members who live away receive Christmas cards through snail mail.  Close friends and relatives receive hand-delivered Christmas cards with some cookies or a little gift.  Church members-receive cards through our mail box at church.
I will send/deliver around 100 of them.
Oh--I love displaying cards-around mantle, sitting on counter, and around door facing as one enters living room.

2. When do kids become adults?

Accoring to our legal system, there is a definitive age of adulthood. Lawmakers have determined that people who are 18 or 21 should be able to take on adult privileges like gambling, voting, owning a gun, and marrying. But this does not necessarily imply that 18 or 21 year-olds are adults; nor does it even imply that lawmakers consider them so.

I think you stop being a child when you grow up emotionally and psychologically,when you are mature enough to know what you are doing and that what you are doing is the right thing to do. You become an adult when you see life as it is.  When you put others before yourself.

3. Does your 'beauty regimen' change with the seasons?
Most definitely.  I put on extra lotion and really moisturize my face in the winter.  It seems my skin is so dry this time of the year.

4. What's something you like to eat that might cause another person to turn up their nose?
A mayonnaise and banana sandwich.

5. Gloves or mittens?
Gloves.  I don't own any mittens.

6. What's the longest queue you've ever been in? Was it worth it? Queue=line but doesn't queue sound nicer?
I like the word 'queue' going to add this to my vocabulary.
Besides a grocery line, I would have to say a line at Disney World.  Yes, the line at Disney World was worth it for daughters.

7. Besides Christmas, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the month of December?
Celebrating birthdays!  Both daughters have December birthdays-December 26 and December 30-Whew!
Daughter #2 will be singing special music at church in December. I love to hear her sing.
Charlie and I getting away for a few days in between birthday celebrations.

8. Insert your own random thought here
Asking special prayers-a teammate of daughter #2 -her mother was killed in a car accident last week on the way to one of her basketball games.  Also my school superintendent's son who is only six has cancer.  He started his chemo treatments yesterday.  I hate that 'C' word-

Sunday, November 27, 2011

So Quiet

Too quiet around here.  Where are the giggles and laughter?
Both daughters have left to return to school.  Now it is too quiet, except for Charlie snoring--:) at least this is a sound.

Our house is too quiet after break and daughters leave.  If there is one thing I hate when daughters come home--is when daughters leave.  My girls bring joy and laughter to me.  If I must say so myself, I do have an extra bounce in my step when they are around.  We have reached a point in our lives when we are closer now.  It seems we are becoming more like friends---and I like this stage in my life. It was so nice to hear them call and say they were safely back at school. :) one less worry.

Tonight it  is rainy and windy-which make me more lonesome for them.  Looking to the bright side--daughter #2 plays basketball Thursday and Saturday---hey from Mom in the stands.  Daughter #1 gets a three week break from pharmacy school!!!  Yeah--plans are in the making.

Friday, November 25, 2011


Our Thanksgiving Holiday started with a road trip on Tuesday to Lynchburg to watch Emily play basketball.  My principal allowed me to leave school early. I jumped out of my vehicle into my husband's vehicle and we were off.  It was a three and one-half hour drive.  The drive to Lynchburg was horrid.  We were driving in a cloud, honestly-that was how foggy it was.  Thankfully, we made it.
I headed straight to the restroom and then off to hunt me a cup of coffee.  After being at school all day and riding in the foggy weather, I needed a perk me up.
Much to my dismay--no coffee.  They had closed for the holiday.  Oh yeah-that's right.
I made it through the game-no coffee but hey when you're watching your daughter play ball-who needs a cup of coffee to get all psyched up?
Game over and boy did Emily and her team take a dog beating.  The coach was allowing the girls to ride back home with their parents since it was a holiday.  So Charlie and I waited on Emily to shower and come out of the locker room.  
When Emily finally came out, I knew something was wrong.  She had been crying.  Huh?  What was going on?  My first thought-Emily had really taking a chewing from the coach.  I was wrong-which I wish I was right on this one.  One of the players Mother had been killed in a car accident on the way to the game.  How heartbroken and heart sick I felt.  What could I say to the player in a time like this?  So many thoughts were coming to me. I can't even imagine what this girl was feeling.  That could have been us with the weather so foggy.  Then Emily said-what I was thinking.  I asked you all to come to the game so I could ride back home.  Breakdown.....and inconsolable at this point.
Finally we were able to make it to our vehicle for the drive back home.  Emily just wanted to lay in the back seat-she was grief-stricken.  As a mom, I just let her be for awhile.  She will talk when she is ready on her terms and not mine. 
The weather was even worse than before.  Not only was it foggy, the rain and wind was horrifying.  Charlie didn't drive faster than 45 on the interstate.  I was so thankful when we arrived home.

On Thanksgiving Day we deliver food to those less fortunate.  We meet at the church at 8:30 and begin.
It was a beautiful, sunny day.
Each family receives a hot meal and a cold meal.
We loaded our trays on the table.
Then began loading the van.  
We have delivered meals for many years and it is part of our tradition.  What a humbling experience this is. After all meals have been delivered, we meet back at the church for our dinner.  This is such a great time of fellowship.
Then we head home....
Since I am not the cook in my family, I had planned on having chicken for dinner.  Yeah-chicken for Thanksgiving Dinner.  But my daughters thought this was unheard of---so I had called Cracker Barrel earlier in the week and they were preparing dinner--except for the dessert.  Daughters-who don't get their cooking skills from me got out the cookbooks and begin preparing the dessert.
Emily began preparing pumpkin cake and cupcakes.
Amanda began preparing the icing.
Not bad for two girls who have a mother with no cooking skills.
My job---preparing the table.....while I sent Charlie to get the food.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  
I can't help thinking about the player who lost her mother.  One never knows what is going to happen.  So one should cherish each moment.  
We had to take Emily back to school today because she has a basketball game tomorrow.  I pray for safe travels as all parents travel to watch his/her daughter/son play sports.
God Bless..

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Songs, songs, and more songs.

Thanks Joyce!!!  Hop on over and join the fun.

1. What song reminds you of a specific time in your life and what is it about that song that makes you remember?
I can't just think of one song that expresses my life so...Here is Three
1.  "I Gotta Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas----sometimes I just have a feeling that today is going to be great.  This song says-I gotta feeling that tonight is gonna be a good night.  I just change the words.
2.  "I've Had The Time of My Life"--Even though there have been periods of my life that has had tears and heartache, I can say I live life to the fullest with no regrets.  So to sum up my life---"I've Had the Time of My Life:
3.  "Colour My World" by Chicago---This song was played at my wedding.

2. What's something you've given up on?
I have given up on television.  Here lately, I can't seem to find anything that is worth watching.  I have also given up on coaches as stated in an earlier blog.  

3. What's something you'll never give up on?
God  and my faith.  We live in a world that often breeds anxiety and fear.  When we come face-to-face tough times, we may fall prey to discouragement, doubt, and trouble times.  But taking all these to God , we can put our anxieties and fears to rest.

4. If you had to cook something from scratch in the next hour what would it be?
 :)  A sandwich!

5. Have you started Christmas shopping? Decorating? Listening to Christmas music?
Haven't started Christmas shopping, decorating, or listening to Christmas music.  I feel like we sometimes cheat-Thanksgiving with all our preparations for Christmas.  I wait till after Thanksgiving to begin all the shopping and decorating.

6. What do you know about your parent's wedding?
My parents had a small wedding ceremony in Baltimore, Maryland.  

7. I can't believe I ___________________.
I can't believe I am one-third of the way into the school year.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I do not like this time change, I do not like it at all.  It gets dark way too early for me.
Have a great week.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Coaching...Traits I have witnessed.

With the true scandal at Penn State, I feel an urge to vent.
First, I was a cheerleading coach at a high school for 7 years.  As a coach of any sport, one does give a lot of time devoted to coaching, and one does become frustrated at players.  My daughters would ride the bus to many games with me, sit in the stands (and sometimes out in the very cold weather), and wait (sometimes over an hour) for parents to pick up their daughter after returning to school on the bus.  For me, I enjoyed coaching cheerleaders and didn't want  to quit.  My youngest daughter became involved in basketball and as a mom family came first.  So, I quit coaching to become a basketball mom.  Never a moment or regret.

Daughter #2, Emily, is a senior in college.  This is her fourth year playing college basketball, and her fourth coach!  Yeah-I said her fourth coach.  Her first coach was a woman.  Emily played well as a freshmen and, I was very proud.  The coach became pregnant and decided to first.  :)   Her second coach came from Florida.  He was short, loud, and a disciplinarian.   Some traits the girls weren't used to.  The girls had a great season.  Placed second in the conference and began to really buy into what he was teaching them.  Unfortunately, he left that summer.  The reason for his leaving-the weather was too cold and snowy in Wise.  Duh-coming from Florida-what did he think?  The team was thwarted.  Here it was summer and no coach.  The assistant coach became head coach.  Coach #3  -third year.  It was difficult going from empathetic to controlling for him.  His contract was not renewed.  Hence, we have coach #4  in 4 years.  She is from South Dakota.  She is very intimidating and insensitive.  She did tell the seniors she wanted to make this a great year for them considering the roller coaster of coaches they have had.  Yeah :)  With this comment, I thought what a great year it will be for Daughter #2.
Wrong---I do not agree with a lot of her character traits.  First, is the language.  Let me admit, I am not a saint by no means, but there are some words I can't stand to hear and my daughter feels the same way.  Second, maybe this is the teacher in me, but never should you maliciously, humiliate a player during the game.  If a coach feels compelled to say something-take it to the locker room.  Thirdly, don't push your belief or make fun of someone because they believe differently from you.  How can you have faith in the players, if you don't have faith in God?
All athletes are not unintelligent, vicious, headstrong people.  Athletes are humans no matter what sport they play and should be treated as such.
One rule I have had with my daughters is-you aren't allowed to quit when you have started something.  You must finish out the year and then quit.  Daughter #2 has played 5 games so far.....  Right now.she is doing some serious thinking and praying about this situation.  My advice to her-Take your anxieties and troubles to God and ask him to guide you along the way.  What decision she makes -she will have my blessing.
Life is too short for coaches to show this type of behavior.
I am not a vile person, but this coach will hear from me.  If you don't have some compassion about you, then please do not be coaching our young people.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

So many blessings.....

Have you ever just stopped to wonder about all the blessings you have?  Usually, I complain about something or someone. But today....I vow to look on the bright side of life and count my blessings.

Family---  I have a wonderful family.  A loving husband-who puts up with me-which says a lot.

Two beautiful daughters.....

a precious step-grandson-who brings a smile to my face daily share a laugh or a cry

A house that I can call 'home.'

Attending church.....

Listening to my daughter sing...
Enjoying all the seasons....

Spending time with my mother
So many things I take for granted each and every day.   I am so thankful for all I have.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Hop on over and join the fun!

1. Of all the tools and gadgets you own which do you most enjoy using?

Right now----it is my wine opener!

2. When (if ever) is impatience a virtue?

The word 'impatience' has been in my dictionary for life.  A bad characteristic I tend to have most often.  In  certain situations/circumstances (which is totally beyond my control) impatience is a virtue.   It is important to know when waiting is the best option (not for me, I usually try to make something happen) and when enough is enough.
So...Impatience is a virtue when dealing with a problem and you want an answer right now......

3. What temperature do you keep your thermostat set to in winter? Do you have another way to heat your house besides a furnace of some type?
Our heat pump is set to 69 until I have a hot flash and I turn it to around 50!!

4. Do/did you have a close relationship with any of your grandparents?

Yes, most definitely.  I was close to both sets of grandparents.  For many years, I would go to Baltimore and spend the summer with my mom's mother.  As I became more involved with high school activities and off to college these trips ceased.  My dad's parents lived in my same neighborhood.  I was also very close to them.  As a matter of fact, it was my dad's mother who helped me with all my wedding activities and who visited and stayed by my side with the birth of my daughters.  She was also the one I called when daughter #1 was having her second open heart surgery in Boston.  My dad's mom was a woman who was loving, caring, and a fine Christian woman.

5. When did you last have a family portrait taken?
A long, long time ag0.  It has been at least 21 years.  I do believe it is time for one!

6. What does the word patriotism mean to you?

I can't think of patriotism without thinking of the men/women who sacrificed to make our country free.Patriotism -standing up for your country.  Whether you agree or disagree with the leaders of our county, we must stand up for our country's beliefs--freedom and the principle we still have on our money--"In God We Trust."  One must support the men/women in the military.  "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing."
A person needs to do his/her part to help our country(numerous ways to volunteer -school, shelters, churches) a better place.

7. Do you like to play cards and if so, what's your favorite card game?
My favorite card game would have to be rook.  We usually host a rook tournament at our house on New Year's Eve. 
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Paperwork, paperwork--doesn't end.  I tend to take one step forward and six steps backward in this area!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

We've Only Just Begun......

After Halloween.....

We've Only Just Begun........
Basketball season has started for #2 daughter.  She is a senior this year (gosh, I can't believe) in college and I want to be able to attend all of her games.  I haven't been able to in the past, due to such long drives and school.  

So here we go.....
Beautiful drive on the way to our first stop.....

Last week-400 miles to Berea College

This week we traveled to......
Union-300 miles

and to Sumter, South Carolina  --600 miles.

That's my girl!

Go--Number 15

At least, we were able to spend the night.  I was hoping to get to the beach, but with basketball one only sees the gym. The weather was too chilly and windy-this is what I kept repeating to myself. :(   Positive note-the girls won both games! :)

Charlie and I did stop at

they have fabulous food and out of this world milkshakes.  Wish we had one in our small town.

Daughter #1 was doing a medicare clinic close to home.  She texted me in the gym announcing "I'm coming home."  Oh No!  we won't be there. :(  She came home anyway just to get away for a day and left these.......

red velvet cupcakes for her mom. She is a jewel.  Much love to you, Amanda.  How can a parent be in two places at one time?  I would like to know this.  

Emily has only 27 basketball games left and I have miles and miles to go.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Who taught you how to cook?

No one in particular.  Growing up, I was the child who had to wash the dishes or go with my daddy (which I loved) feed the cattle.  I learned my cooking expertise from recipe books and friends.  I learned something new to fix this summer while seeing my sorority sisters---a big thanks to Susan Leonard--what patience she had with me!!!!

2. Have you been told you think too much? Are too much of a perfectionist? Are too sensitive? Were they right?
Yes, Definitely think too much--Undeniably I am OCD in way  too many facets in my life.  Sensitive--that depends on the type of day I am having.
Were they right?  Again this depends on the circumstance.

3. As a child did you have a favorite blanket or toy? Tell about it.
My favorite toll/doll was Mrs. Beasley.  She had blond hair, wore glasses, and a blue polka dot apron.  She was so adorable.  However, one time I became angry (imagine that) and I hit her head against a couch or something, and her head fell off.  I tried sewing her head back on, but  no way could I get her head back on.

4. What 'institution' do you have the most faith in?

Stumped me on this one.  Must be my lingering 'sickness' still affecting me.  The only answer I can think of is family.  Family is still important to me and I have instilled this value into my daughters.  The world can and will be mean and cruel, but you will always have your family for support.

5. Chrysanthemums-pansies-burning bush-ornamental cabbage...your favorite in an autumn garden?

Chrysanthemums---what is ornamental cabbage?

6. What superpower do the kids in your neighborhood seem to posses?

Not many kids living in my neighborhood.  Last night was a different story!  The only superpower they posses is driving by with their stereo blaring.  I usually respond with---"Boy, the natives are restless."

7. Are you a fan of the cranberry?

For eating-absolutely no-to use as decoration-yes.

8.  Random thought
Charlie had a good report from his oncologist last week  :)   Sadder note--I was sick all week and missed school.  Temperature was very high and body ached all over.  I was tested for flu and thankfully was negative, but I think I had some type of flu-with the symptoms.  Returning to school on Monday, I was greeted with hugs from students--Gosh I never dreamed how much 8th graders missed me and they even made me a Get Well Card.   On a another note-road trips start this week--basketball will be in full swing-First stop-Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for the weekend.
Have a great week.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...