Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday's Hodgepodge

Answers to Joyce's Hodgepodge

1. Do you and your family enjoy camping? What do you enjoy most/like the least when it comes to family camping? When was the last time you camped?
  As a little girl, I remember going camping with my family and our next door neighbor.  I can remeber cooking hotdogs on a fire, fishing, and doing plenty of running.  At night, I remeber sitting on my daddy's lap watching the fire.  I liked to play in the fire and my grandmother would say-if you play in the fire, you will pee in the bed, so I wold throw my stick down and go back on sit on daddy's lap.  I don't remember how we slept-if we had sleeping bags or what, but I do remember waking up in the mornings froze to death!!!!
Now that I am older, I am definitely not a camper.  I need my bed, a shower, and most importantly electricity. My husband is not a camper, so we have never been on a camping trip as a family.  Now I feel sorry for my daughters because they have not experienced what I did as a young child. 

2. Did you attend a summer camp when you were a kid? Is that a happy or not so happy memory?
When I was in the fourth grade, I attended a summer church camp.  I can remember it being very hot, someone crying (homesick) and sitting around the campfire at night singing.  I think this was somewhat a happy memory.

3. Over the course of your life, what have you probably spent more time pondering than anything else?

Honestly, I don't know.  Maybe the well-being of family members. 

4. Which of the seven natural wonders of the world would you most like to see? There are many lists of 'wonders' but this is the standard natural wonder list-Mount Everest, The Great Barrier Reef, The Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, The Harbor of Rio de Janerio, Paricutan Volcano and The Northern Lights.

I would have to go with The Northern Lights.  What an amazing sight this would be to see.

5. What was your first real job?
My first real job was teaching emotionally disturbed teenagers.  I was so excited to finish college and get offerred a teaching job.  This was both challenging and rewarding.  I taught ED students for two years.  Then I taught fourth grade, high school Englilsh and Algebra I and currently teaching eighth graders---what was I thinking????????  Each teaching assignment was a little closer to home.
My first teahing job was a 90 mile drive.  Now it takes me less than five minutes to drive to school which sometimes doesn't give me enough time to clear my head before entering the house.  I had to establish a rule--give me five minutes before talking to me-just 5 minutes to settle down and then the other part of my day would start.  This works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. Lemonade or Sweet tea...which do you prefer on a hot summer day?

Sweet tea

7. What is something that always brings a smile to your face?

My daughters always bring a smile to my face.  Both are doing college rotations and they have been home for 7 weeks.  #1 daughter has to leave Saturday and #2 daughter will leave shortly afterwards.  I have still been in school (3 days left yeah) and after a hard, hot day at school, I look forward to them telling me about their day.  Of course they try to out do each other--drama queens if you want to say that, but I have really enjoyed our conversations.  Since I get home before they do-they say Mom give me 5 minutes before you start questioning us about our day!!!!  Lesson learned from me.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

We had our church picnic Sunday at a park close by.  The weather was beautiful!!!  I remember having picnics as a child, but seldom do now.
I have never seen so much food!!!!
The water was inviting.
Have a great day!!!  Please remember Charlie's cousin who was involved in a motorcycle accident in your prayers.  He is improving everyday!!! 

 I AM your Deliverer, I AM your Healer, I AM your Peace, I AM your Joy, I AM your Friend..Call on Me anytime and I Will be there for you. Love, Jesus

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Wednesday Hodgepodge

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