Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Too Many Thoughts.......

Too many thoughts going on in my head.

#1 Daughter left Saturday to head back to pharmacy school.  Sad to see her leave, but I kept reminding her the end was in sight.  She wasn't too thrilled about leaving, especially leaving boyfriend.  OMG--I had forgotten how hard it was to return to college and leave boyfriend behind.  I thought the world was ending!!!! Daughter called late Saturday night, and she had forgotten her white coat.  Now this is like a basketball player forgetting his/her basketball shoes or a golfer forgetting his/her golf clubs.  So yesterday after church my husband and I took her white coat to her--driving through storms after storms.

Thought one.....was I that way while in college-forgetting things after being home for awhile?

I have been planning this trip to New York for a while.  I am looking forward to going with husband even though I don't think he really wants to go.  You see, hub is not the traveling man.....His response to travel is why should I want to go there-I haven't lost anything there.  Anyways---#2 Daughter is singing "How Great Thou Art" on June 26th-You GUESSED -we will be in New York.  Daughter has tried to change the date, but with her schedule this is the only time she is available.  We have heard her sing this before and the church is going to record her singing, but...

Thought two...should I cancel trip?  I know hub will be truly disappointed not hearing her sing as well as I but......

Today was our first teacher work day.  Boy some people must have had a terrible, horrible weekend.  They wear their feeling on their sleeve!!!  We all have much work to do and rush around like crazy, but the least you can do is pretend to be happy

Thought three....why on earth do people have to take their frustrations out on co-workers?

 My husband's cousin, the one who had the motorcycle accident last week, is doing much better.  He is still in excruciating pain, but he is happy to be home.  Last night while visiting him, his wife was concerned about insurance.  Apparently the person who hit him has only 30 thousand worth of coverage.  This is very little considering med-flight, surgery, etc.  My husband ,who sold his insurance company two years ago, was able to give some pointers about insurance.  This seemed to give her some peace of mind until I asked if the person who had caused the accident called to check on her husband since he wasn't injured and refused any treatment.  Of course, this person hasn't.  If this had been me-I would have sleepless nights, and I  would  have somehow found out how to contact this family and offered my condolences.

Thought four....is people not very thoughtful anymore?

 It is very hard to concentrate on school work, with these thoughts going on in my head.  I get one piece of paperwork finished, and then I start thinking again. Tried listening to music, but this hasn't helped me today.  This I find strange because music is how I can focus.  I guess I will be here longer than expeted.

Thought five....how do men stay focused?  
Thought six...these are thoughts....are they?
Does anyone else have any thoughts are the subjects?

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Wednesday Hodgepodge

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