Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. Besides Thanksgiving (in the USA) what's one thing you're looking forward to in November? 

I am going to the movies this Saturday.  I don't like going to the movies by myself, so glad I have someone to go with.

Then in a couple of weeks, I will be traveling to Roanoke to see a friend. 

2. Do you like candles? Your favorite scent? How often do you burn a candle in your home? 

I like candles and love the smell of cinnamon.  Candles are burnt regularly or the tart warmers.

3. What gadgets did you use today? 

Laptop, cell phone

4. This question is a repeat from one asked in November of 2014, but I liked it so it's coming round again. Many of you weren't here in 2014. Okay, you can have fifty pounds of something (anything but money)...what will you choose? Also, since I mentioned it... .what were you up to in November of 2014? 

I have been introduced to Pickle Potato Chips and fallen in love!!  I just can't eat enough of these. I am splitting up my 50lbs....25lbs of Pickle Potato Chips and 25lbs of White Zombie drink.

5. 'Tis the season...what's something you're feeling especially grateful for today?

My late husband's cousin.  This cousin checks on me regularly and when I need something (oil change, air in tires, batteries to replace keys) he is 'Johnny on the spot'.  Most of the time, he just makes sure I am okay.  I am grateful for him daily.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I am entering my 'season'.  I am wishing for February to hurry up.  Hub passed in November, , then there is Christmas, oldest daughter's birthday in December, and then oldest daughter passed away in the wee hours on January 1st.  I call this my 'season' cause of all the grief I still experience. I have learned that grief and joy can co-exist, at least for me.  Prayers would be appreciated.


  1. Your late husband's cousin sounds like a very kind and caring person! I am sorry you have experienced so much loss. I will be praying for your joy!! What is a White Zombie drink??

  2. Prayers sent! Also, pickle chips are awesome. I agree.

  3. I'm so sorry for your losses, sending prayers for your days to be filled with wonderful memories of those you loved. I've never tried pickle chips but I love pickles so I'm sure I would like them. That's so thoughtful of your late husband's cousin to check on you regularly.

  4. I'm glad you have a cousin who puts words into action. Such a gift. I will be praying for you in this hard season you walk through. I hope your grands bring you joy when you need it most.

  5. I'm sorry for your grief and this time of the year is so hard. I went through a time in my life where it was like that for me. Seemed everyone picked that time to die - one right after the other. It was hard but I got through it with God's help and you will too. I pray that you surround yourself with loving people and God's comfort and healing during this hard time.

  6. I read your random thought to my husband in tears and the tears are still flowing. I'm praying that God will carry you through your 'season' and that your joy would mingle with your grief. God bless your husband's cousin for being a helping hand when needed. I do hope you enjoy the movie on Saturday and your time in Roanoke.

  7. How nice that the cousin looks after you - what a blessing! I'm so sorry for all the losses you remember in the season ahead, but I'm praying that you'll received lots of comfort and love and support as well. Have a blessed week, and month, and 'season'

  8. Realized I never commented from last week, so better late than never. I hope you have an amazing November. Enjoyed your answers. I also don't like going to movies alone, or much of anything alone except maybe shopping. I haven't had those chips. aww that is so special to have someone like your husbands cousin. Sending you hugs. Grief is such a process and everyone so different. I will be praying for you and I love how you said that grief and joy can co-exist


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...