Thursday, April 23, 2020

Day 20 A - Z Challenge Trust

#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge

Day 20 A - Z Challenge...Trust
How and Why We Can Trust God with All Our Hearts - Ed Elliott - Medium

Trust in his promises.  God didn't promise smooth sailing.  I have experienced unexpected tragedy.  Some days I feel like I am going under and fear is grabbing me by the throat.  


I have had to endure (most of us have) difficult circumstances.  Circumstances beyond our control  I can trust "We know that God works all things together for good for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28).  A verse I repeat and say to myself daily maybe more than once when I am having a day full of the Why Lord questions. I think back to the book in the Bible, Job.  God didn't answer Job's questions when he asked God, "Why Me?"  Suffering and pain is something we all face and go through in this life whether you trust God or not. 

It is comforting to know, and I really believe things will work out okay even when going through suffering and pain.  When nothing makes sense and everything is hard to face, God has a plan and will work it out for the good.

When life threw me a couple of curveballs, I remember that Jesus experienced curveballs.  I am trusting God to get me through these tough, heart wrenching days; He has the power.

Do I struggle trusting God?  Yes, some days are better than others.  Some days I scream and cry out to God, "Why?"  And some days I can see the silver lining.  Trusting God isn't a one-time experience.  It seems like everyday I am put through the Trust God Test. 

My life has been abruptly disrupted.  But I know God has a reason and a plan.  I trust there is another side.  Heaven is even more special now and one day I will get the biggest hug from my loved ones, especially my daughter. I thank God for the 32 years I had with her. 

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