Monday, April 20, 2020

Day 17 A - Z Challenge Quietness

#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge

We are surrounded by noise just about everywhere we go.

The Effectiveness Of Quietness | Devotions by Chris Hendrix


In my grief journey, I need noise.  The louder the better.  The television is on, whether I was watching or not, and music is always playing.  Getting in my vehicle, I was like a teenager; the music blares, so much I was getting some weird stares from people at the red light!  This 'ole' person is really jamming!

Mornings are difficult for me.  Every morning it feels like I have been crushed by a steam roller.  In the past week, I have begun to allow quietness back into my life.  Especially in the morning hours, after I collect my wits from waking up, the television is off and there is no music playing.  Instead, I sit and listen to the quietness. I am not going to lie; it is tough for me, even for five minutes.  This morning, as I sit and listen to the rain, I offer praise to God for giving me another day. However, I am finding out that being still is helping me navigate this uncharted territory. 

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