Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Joyce-hope all goes well with your move.  I know you are so excited---wishing you a smooth move.

1. Besides your very own house, describe a place where you feel most 'at home'?

I  feel at home at my aunt's house.  My aunt is only two years older than me; she feels more like a sister than an aunt.  I feel free to kick back, take my shoes off, open the refrigerator, and relax here.

2. When did you last 'hit a home run' with something? Explain.

I don't think I have ever done anything to cause a lot of cheers!  Maybe one day I will.

3. Tell us about something you love in your house or kitchen that is 'homemade'.

Absolutely nothing :(

4. 'A man's home is his castle'...which of the world's ten most captivating castles (according to The Travel Channel) would you most like to visit and why-

Mont Saint-Michel (France), Edinburgh Castle (Scotland), Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany), Glamis Castle (Scotland), Windsor Castle (England), Chateu de Chambord (France), Hampton Court Palace (England), Prague Castle (Prague), St. Michael's Mount (England), Leeds Castle (England), and Swallow's Nest (Ukraine)
Image result for windsor castle

Love, love, love to travel to England and visit Windsor Castle.  I have always been intrigued with the royal family.

5. What's a recent or upcoming plan or project that's required you do a little homework before getting started? Did the homework cause you to abandon your plan or adjust it in some way?

Finally had furniture delivered last Wednesday for our sun room and living room.  Now to find the draperies --measurements sigh    The furniture is an olive green with a little bit of brown.

6. In your opinion, is homework an unnecessary evil or a valuable practice? Should schools be done with homework? Why or why not?

Image result for homework
Homework is valuable PRACTICE.  Practice is the key word....not learning something new but to practice a skill already learned.  Unfortunately, long gone are the days where parents were home making sure the child was doing homework and the child ACTUALLY did his/her homework.  Now parents aren't concerned much with their child's homework and homework is the last thing on a child's mind.

7. Share a favorite memory of your childhood hometown.

Image result for halloween

Since Halloween is next week...a memory of my childhood trick-or treating comes to my mind.  Living in a small town and on a street with about 50 homes very close together....trick-or-treating was great.  Most of the neighbors would sit on their front porch, that is if it was warm, and make a big deal of how scared they were or who we were- when approaching for candy. Just about every house had at least three carved pumpkins on the front porch. I can remember sweating as I was walking-yes walking by ourselves no parent around-going from house to house.  Coming home my parents allowed me to eat some of the candy-a limit of course and looking at all the favorite treats I had gotten. I do not remember my parents ever searching to make sure my candy was safe to eat.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Spending the weekend with these ladies last week.....a fantastic weekend!


  1. "Homework is the last thing on a child's mind"... You can say that again! I'm so jealous that you've traveled to Windsor Castle. I've always had a fascination with castles and would love to go one day. Thanks for stopping by!


  2. What a lovely Halloween memory. We did that when the girls were growing up but, for some reason, I can't really remember trick-or-treating when I was little. I do have a memory of that awful plastic Halloween mask that made seeing and breathing difficult. LOL

  3. It certainly looks as if you had a wonderful time last weekend. Perhaps one of those gals can help you with the drapery measurements. Everything is more fun with help!

  4. We had a family portrait done on the Windsor Great Walk. One of my absolute most favorite places in England. We lived close to Windsor so I was there pretty often. Have a great day!

  5. We lived in a great and safe neighborhood, so Halloween was always great.

  6. Halloween was more simple back then. It was a lot less crazy, too. Have a great week.

  7. Halloween was and still is my favorite holiday, have a howling good week!
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  8. I think it is most unfortunate when parents take a hands-off approach to their children's education, leaving it completely in the hands of the teachers. Kids need to know that education is important. They don't get that message when parents are hands-off.

    I've never been to Europe, so no cool European castle memories for me, but I have been to the best castle in America...The Biltmore House. It is breathtakingly beautiful! The house, the grounds, the is all just perfect. Of course, our local Buc-ees has more bathrooms, but still, I think I could manage at Biltmore. haha

    Have a blessed week. :)

  9. Enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge today - better late than never! Have a great weekend! - Jessica


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...