Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Thursday (September 22) is the first official day of autumn in this part of the will you welcome the season? I know some of you have been celebrating way too early, but it's official now so permission granted. House Beautiful recently listed ten ways to make your home smell like fall (you can read the list here) What's a scent you love this time of year and how will you add it to your home?

I love caramel apple scent.  Burning a candle is the best way to permeate this scent throughout my home.  BUT I might just make some caramel apples this is Apple Festival Time in Chilhowie!

2. Apple pie or pumpkin pie? Apple cake or pumpkin bread? Warm apple cider or a pumpkin spice latte?
Image result for fresh apple pie

Apple pie but you can skip the ice cream.

3. Do you suffer from what is sometimes referred to as an afternoon slump? What helps ward it off before it hits and/or tell us what helps you shake it off once it's here?

Image result for slumped in a chair
Some days I suffer.....these are when I just usually sit down to catch my breath or I tried to watch a television show in the afternoon.  
What Helps?

Image result for caffeine
Image result for brisk walk

4. Ladies-how have your friendships with women inspired you or made you a better person? For the men here today- how have your friendships with men inspired you or made you a better person?

Image result for friendships

The older I get, the more I realize how important friendships are.  I feel lucky to remain close to some of my college friends.  Yes these friendships have made me a better person.  Friendships with women have given me more confidence and encouragement when needed, comfort when needed, and an ear to listen to my problems and accomplishment

5. Are you a people pleaser? If you said yes, do you think that's a good or bad thing? If you said no, do you wish you were more of a people pleaser?

Image result for people pleasers
Yes...and it is both (to me) a good thing and a bad thing.  I most definitely need to find a balance between helping others and taking care of myself.   BUT I feel guilty when saying 'no'.
On the other hand, I don't like confrontations or disagreements so I try to smooth things over by offering another perspective/insight on a situation.

6. The seasons are a-changin'...share a favorite song relating in some way to change (not necessarily seasonal change, it could be change of any kind).

'A Change Will Do You Good' by Sheryl Crow

7. What do you wish would never change?

My daughters....I hope thy will continue to love the Lord, be kind, thoughtful, and caring forever.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.


  1. Hello neighbor from the Hodgepodge! Lighting candles is a way I get the autumn scents too. Right now I'm sniffing Maple Latte. Fills the rooms with the glorious scent of maple and coffee! Enjoyed reading your answers.

  2. I love your photo of the afternoon slump; looks like me in the afternoon! Have a great week.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  3. When people ask you to do something you don't have time to do, just tell them you will try to work it into the schedule, if you can. That should make them happy, but keep their expectations low.

  4. The photo that you have for #3 is how I feel pretty much all the time lately. :) I don't like confrontations or saying no either. I feel guilty when I have to say no...and I'm an expert, it seems, at finding confrontations. I like your finger face photo. That is cute. :)

    Have a blessed day!

  5. I definitely need to take inventory of my candles and start burning some fall ones instead of just saving them. Lol Terri (Your Friend From Florida blog) has a good post today about being a people pleaser. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

  6. I do think there's a fine line when you're a people pleaser. Nobody wants to be a doormat, but it's also nice to know there are people who can go with the flow and keep the peace. Happy fall!

  7. I definitely get the afternoon slump if I sit down. But it only lasts a few minutes. I try hard not to be a people pleaser, but don't always succeed. I lik peace, too.

  8. Enjoyed reading your answers. My husband enjoys Cheryl Crows music and I do like several of her songs.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...