Sunday, December 27, 2015

Weekend Rewind...

Weekend Rewind...

Image result for goodbye december

Hope all is enjoying this unusual, warm, unseasonable weather.  Temperatures have been in the 70's-SHEW!  As I was baking some Christmas goodies, I had to open the door...for a little while.  Usually I enjoy the heat, a welcome treat, but not this was a little too warm in the house with all the baking.  I must add, we have had way too much rain!
This year was a little different -hub and I had to share daughter with her new husband's traditions-but it all worked out okay.

Our Christmas decorations are down and put we began celebrating birthdays...youngest daughter's birthday was the day after Christmas and oldest daughter's birthday is this Wednesday.  Even though both daughters are grown, I had gotten in the habit of putting all decorations away to begin birthday celebrations with sleepovers...and not it is a habit I have just gotten into.

Our church has a Christmas Bible School.  It is this week -Sun-Wed from 6-8.  It gives the kids a  chance to come and learn more about our Savior-and sometimes kids do get tired of staying at home over the Christmas break-a kinda break for parents, too!   Tonight we had 103 kids attend-down from last year but I am blaming it on the warm temps, and everyone still wanting to be hanging outside (which I can't blame them)

People keep asking me how do I like retirement?  Honestly, I don't know.  I imagine come January 4th when I see those yellow buses go by my house..I might feel a little down. We shall see...Right now I am just taking it one day at a time.

Hub and I do not have any plans for New Years Eve, as of right now. I would like to do something.. Living in a small town does have some disadvantages...and most of our friends have moved away (after retiring I might add) or most just like to do nothing.  I, on the other hand, want to do something.  Any suggestions..and remember I live in a small town??? year...I wish all the Best of the New Year!

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Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...