Sunday, December 13, 2015

Weekend Rewind....

Weekend Rewind....

Image result for sad crying images

Oh how my heart aches.....
The dreaded C word...

Friday, I took my last personal leave and planned to get a few things checked off my list.  Around 2 that day I received a text asking all who could to try and come to the church later for prayer for this sweet girl. Later that night I learned that this sweet 7 year-old girl, Cheyenne was diagnosed with Cancer.I hate and I mean hate that terrible C word!

Years ago I coached high school cheerleaders, and Cheyenne's mom was a cheerleader on the squad.  It wasn't until 4 years ago, I saw Cheyenne's mom (Amy).  Amy was all grown-up, married, had a job as a pharmacy technician, and a daughter.  They started attending the church I went to and Cheyenne was in my Wee Worship class.  We laughed and joked about how hard a cheerleading coach I was back in the day!

Two years ago, Amy became involved in Relay for Life.  She was a go-getter-like me-for this cause dear to our hearts.  Her daughter, Cheyenne, had set up a Lemonade Stand and raised money for the kid's cancer.  I bragged on Amy that she was a great mom and how proud of her I had become.

I went to see Amy today after church.  It felt like something I needed to do.  She explained that she was in shock over the news.  Which she should be.  Looking at Cheyenne one sees a beautiful, blonde hair, 7 yr. old.  Amy explained that she had become concerned over Cheyenne not eating, being tired and going to sleep easily, and her stomach hurting. Cheyenne had seen a doctor on Friday and a tumor was found.  They were sent to a specialist who had confirmed the nightmare.  A 6 inch . tumor was found in her stomach, and her left kidney was damaged, and spots were found on her lungs.  The family will be traveling to St.Jude's tomorrow and surgery is scheduled for the end of this week and treatments will be started. I gave Cheyenne a hug and told her God will take care of her boo boo she has in her stomach and I can't wait to hear about her stories she will tell when she gets home.  According to Amy, they were told to pack a lot of clothes because they could be there for a long time-maybe a year.  Plans are for Amy's hub to return home after the new year.  The family also has a 4 year old boy who will be staying with grandparents.

My heart aches for this child and her parents.  I also feel for their son.  A lot this family has had to wrap their heads around this weekend.  A curveball was thrown last Friday. I asking all to whisper a prayer for Cheyenne and her family for the weeks/months ahead.

For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, “Do not fear. I will help you.” (Isaiah 41:14)

Have a blessed week

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