Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wednesday Hodgeodge

1.  Many families have a story they love to tell every year around a holiday. Does your family have one? Are you the star of that story, or does another family member take center stage? Share your story if you want.

No, my family has no story.  I hope there are stories here I can read.

2. Are you afraid to speak your own opinion?

Sometimes I do not speak for fear and this depends on who is around and where I am.  I really don't like to offend anyone with my opinions except hub of course!  Occasionally, more than once, I do blurt out my opinion before realizing what I have said-a case of open mouth and insert foot.

3. Pantone has announced the color of the year for 2016, and for the first time have chosen two shades-rose quartz and serenity. Hmmm...did you know serenity was a color? You can read the thought behind their selection here, but essentially it's blending the warmth of rose quartz with the tranquility of a very soft shade of blue. So what do you think? Are these colors I'd find in your home or wardrobe? Will you add something in these shades to either place in the new year?

I like the two shades Pantone has chosen.  I did not know serenity was a color and how did look this color up.  These are not colors I have in my home, but maybe in the future....maybe in a bathroom-that's what I am thinking right now.  I do have rose quartz in my wardrobe and some jewelry in rose quartz which I love.

4. If you could be in a Christmas carol, which one would you choose? Why?

I would chose "Let There Be Peace on Earth."  This was the first song that popped in my head.  I read a little about the origin of this song, because I have heard it sung at other events.  A little history-in 1955 a group of teenager of all races and religions were meeting at a worship center in California.  They hooked arms, formed a circle, and sang this song on top of a mountain.  These young teenagers shared this song and now this song is heard around the globe.  
If I want peace, then I should strive for peace.  There is a tough situation hub and I are dealing with involving hub's son. I want to live in harmony again.  

5. December 9th is National Pastry Day. Will you celebrate? When did you last purchase something from a bakery? What's your favorite treat that falls under the heading of pastry? Do you make it yourself or buy from the professionals?

No, I will not celebrate National Pastry Day because I am not a pastry fan.  I did purchase something from a bakery a couple of weeks ago for our Sunday morning worship service.  My favorite treat would be Poppy Seed Muffins and definitely store bought.

6. When it comes to holiday decorating_____________________________.

I have downsized in this compartment.  Years ago, I had three or more trees decorated.  My entire house was decorated even the bathrooms.  Now that both daughters have grown, I just decorate one tree and put out a few decorations.

7. When did you last laugh so much it hurt? Explain.

A couple of weeks ago, I was rushing around trying to bake cookies, do laundry, straighten up the house, and talk on the phone.  I forgot I had left the bottom drawer.of the oven open.  I went through the house to get something and then come back and check on the cookies baking.  I tripped over the oven drawer. I think I fell for 10 minutes!  Hub was down stairs and yelled what had I dropped.  Laying with one foot in the drawer, I answered a pot.  Later, when telling him about it, we both laughed  By the way, my ankle was bruised...

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I leave you with this....


  1. I remember so well singing that song in chorus when I was in school. It's still pretty. Have you seen the Microsoft ad where the employees in the NYC store walk down to the Apple Store and sing it and the Apple employees join in? So good! It's airing now, but you can probably find it online too.

  2. Your answer to number 7 sounds like something that I would do. I'm sure the fall didn't feel too great, but I'd probably laugh myself silly if it happened to me.

  3. I hate to laugh at your misfortune of falling, but falls are just so funny! I don't like for anyone to get hurt but after I check on someone who's fallen and they're ok...then go ahead and laugh! I'm glad you weren't hurt too bad!

  4. Loved your answers! Although I am not a down-sizer can send me all your decor and I will add it to mine...never enough Christmas! HA I am following form can follow back if you want at Annster's Domain

  5. I want to downsize all of my Christmas decorations too. But it is so hard to part with any of them!! Have a great week

  6. The fall doesn't sound funny at all. I hope your ankle is ok now. It's the sort of thing I'd do though and I probably would have to laugh so I didn't end up crying.

  7. Stopping by to check out your answers! I am glad you were ok from your fall at the stove! Yikes- sounds painful!

  8. I like your choice of Christmas carol. We certainly could use some peace in the world. So glad your fall wasn't serious!

  9. That's one of my favorite carols. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I thought the color choices were very pretty this year. That is a beautiful song you picked. I hope to divide my decorations up when I pack them up so I can start to downsize. Glad your okay after your fall!!!!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...