Sunday, November 29, 2015

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind...
First, let me tell you a little about my week.

Monday morning,hub was scheduled for an endoscopy (oncologist order) and youngest daughter was having back surgery.  Two separate hospitals and two separate times!  Least to say this Momma was a NERVOUS wreck.
Hub was to be a the hospital by 7:30 on Monday.  The procedure (according to a doctor friend) only took 5 minutes.  Hub was taken back for his procedure at 7:40 and this was the first time I wasn't allowed to go back with him. I sat down in the waiting room and prayed. ( Daughter's surgery was scheduled for 10:30 at a different hospital.) I kept my eye on the board-I was given a number and this number was on the board which kept me updated with what was going on-prepped for surgery, surgery, recovery, etc. I was also given a buzzer and the buzzer meant the doctor was calling me.  I kept my eyes on the board and the clock.  By 10:00 I was shaking...what was going on...hub was still on the prepped list--so I called son-in-law-to check on daughter.  Daughter was being prepped...My niece who works at the hospital where daughter was called me.  She saw daughter's name on the list and couldn't find me.  I explained I was with hub at a different hospital.  My niece said she asked her supervisor  if she could take care of my daughter in recovery-Gosh a blessing in disguise. Daughter being prepped and hub still prepped and my buzzer goes off-doctor calling me-why?  It wasn't the doctor calling-it was the nurse-the doctor had been called away for an emergency.  A little easy but not much.  A friend, who had grown up with me, was there with his wife.  The friend saw my nervousness and came and sat and talked with me.  He went to get me some coffee-my head was killing me, which I knew it was only nerves. I kept texting son-in-law to check on daughter's status.  She was still in holding and said daughter was a little nervous, but okay.  Okay? how can she be okay when her mother wasn't with her.  He assured me all was okay and said his mother was with him.  He asked who was with me and I said no one.  He asked if I was okay and with my calm voice I said yes. But to tell the truth, my entire body was in knots.
Finally, I saw hub's number on the monitor;he was in surgery.  More nerves and the clock kept ticking away.  My buzzer went off, (I nearly jumped out of my skin) and the doctor was on the phone.  The doctor apologized for taking so long and in a joking manner said things like this only happened to Charlie!  The doctor said his esophagus looked fine but he did take a few biopsies of his stomach.  Doctor said he thought the biopsies would be fine and in a few minutes I could see hub. I said a quick prayer thanking God and sat and waited.  When I was able to see hub he was still drugged up and asked how daughter was.  I explained she was in holding-which was a lie because son-in-law had texted to let me know she was in surgery.  After hub was discharged, we both made our way to where daughter was.  I told hub to hold on to me as we walked through the hospital; he was staggering like a drunk man.  Son-in-law and his mother were watching for us.  It seemed like a minute and the phone rang for son-in-law to let us know the surgery was going as planned and daughter was okay.  Then an eternity went by before the doctor came out and talked to us. Thankfully, all went well.
We got home around 7 that evening. Son-in-law stayed with daughter while hub and I went to watch grandson in his first grade play.  Shew! What a looong day!

Daughter stayed at our house until Friday evening.  She progressed each day. Daughter's husband and father-in-law built a fence for their dogs.  No one wanted the dogs to be jumping on daughter while she recuperiated, and daughter was wanting to go home.

Thanksgiving Day was spent delivering food to those less fortunate.  My family has been doing this for years and it is a blessing to us to be able to continue. After delivering food, we spend the evening eating and watching television and walking in flip flops I might add!

I have managed to decorate for Christmas.  I know many do not decorate this early, but I needed to get some decorating done.  I also decorated the coffee shop on Saturday.

Image result for warm weather

The weather has been very warm.  Hub grilled out last night and after dinner he and I went for a walk.  It is hard to imagine the end of November being in the 50's late at night. It is even harder for me to believe that tomorrow is the last day in November.

Have a blessed week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday hodgepodge

1. What's surprised you most about your life, or about life in general?-

What has surprised me about my life is that there are things that I can't control.  I use to think I could control almost anything but how wrong I was.  Life happens and I can't control the outcome-I can pray and I can control how I respond to the outcome.  
Also, life is going by faster than I could have ever imagined when younger.

2. Among others, these ten words were added to the Oxford English Dictionary this year...awesomesaucebeer o'clockbrain fartbuttdialcat cafe(apparently this is a real thing), fatberg (gross-read the definition here)fat shamehangryMx (gender neutral), and skippable. 
Your thoughts? In looking over the list, which word do you find most ridiculous? Which word would you never in a million years say out loud? Which word would you be most likely to use in conversation?

My first thought was-oh my WORD! 

Image result for words

I would never say the word 'brain fart'-has to much negativity to it.I haven't heard the word 'hangry' but I can relate to this word especially when I skip breakfast (I know , I know) and lunch isn't until 1:00 and the students are rowdy, and I have forgotten to run off papers for my next class,and I forgot to pack my lunch for the day!  I am going to ask my students today if they are hangry?
I find awesomesauce the most ridiculous word-but I think I would use it just to see the response on someone's face!

3. Do you like gravy? Is there a food you'd rather not eat unless it comes with gravy? Do you make your own or buy the canned or store-made variety? Turkey and gravy, sausage gravy, mashed potatoes and gravy, country ham and red eye gravy, biscuits and chocolate gravy, pot roast and gravy...which one on the list is your favorite?

I do not like gravy-not on potatoes, not with sausage, not chocolate gravy-no gravy for me.

4. Do you have a plan? Do you need a plan? Have you ever had a plan fall into a trillion pieces? Explain.

I try to have a plan.  This retirement planning is getting the best of me.  So much paperwork-why is this so complicated?  
I am sure I have had a plan fall into a trillion pieces before-the first time we were building our house-it rained and snowed-that put us behind and I found out I was pregnant at the same time-hub fell off our roof and I thought my well planned out house building was not ever going to happen.
Life is a series of plans and some work out and some do not.  A person needs to be flexible, take a deep breath, and hold on for the ride.

5. November 19 is National Play Monopoly Day. Do you own the original or some version of the game? Do you enjoy playing Monopoly? How likely is it you'll play a game of Monopoly on November 19th? Ever been to Atlantic City? Ever taken a ride on a railroad? Is parking in your town free? Last thing you took a chance on?

I do not have the Monopoly game.  Growing up, I can remember playing Monopoly for hours.  Not a chance I will be playing Monopoly on the 19th.  I have never been to Atlantic City.  Have ridden on a railroad.  Parking in my little town is free.  I have taken a chance on retiring early.

6. A song you like that has the word (or some form of the word) thanks in the title, lyrics, or meaning?

Forever by Chris Tomlin

7. In keeping with this month's theme of gratitude....what is something you're taking for granted that when you stop and think about it, you're grateful for?
My health.  Sometimes I can complain about having to do so much around the house, but then I catch myself and say a quick thanks to God for my health and allowing me to be able to do the simple things like sweep a porch, laundry, vacuum, etc.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind....

Friday evening hub and I took grandson to see The Peanuts Movie..  Ever since grandson saw the preview, he has been wanting to go.
Image result for peanuts movie

I must admit, I enjoyed the movie just as much as grandson.

Saturday evening was grandson's football-Flag Football-banquet.  His flag football-Upward-was sponsored by a church in our area.  At the games, all children had a chance to participate and for half-time a short devotion was given. If we would only look at our world through a child's eyes-how much nicer all would be. Children hold no grudges, forgive and forget easily, and enjoy the little things. The guest speaker at the banquet performed magic tricks and then tied the magic tricks into a message about Jesus Christ.  It was a great evening. Hub was amazed at the magic tricks and kept asking, "How did he do that?"  I responded, "It's magic!"

Today, I have thought a lot about Paris, like most are.  I can;t understand why people are so mean.  France is a country one hears little about and now this has happened to them.  I can't wrap my mind
around this terrible act.

Image result for maya angelou quotes
Have a blessed week.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wednesday hodgepodge

Thank a Vet!

1. In two or three sentences tell us what Veteran's Day means to you?

Veteran's Day is to honor an pay tribute to those who is serving/has served our country.  Even as I write these sentences, someone is defending OUR COUNTRY!  To all Veterans-Past-Present-Future-I Salute YOU!

2. What's your favorite film with a patriotic theme woven into the storyline?

It would have to be Top Gun.  Also I like the music played in Top Gun.
Image result for Top gun

3. Flu shot-yes or no? If you answered no, do you plan to get a flu shot? If not, why not? Have you ever had the flu?

Yes, daughter gave me a flu shot several weeks ago.  Four years ago I had the flu.  I woke up that morning feeling a little bad, but I trudged on to school.  A few hours later, a male teacher told me I didn't look good-I didn't feel good was my response.  I went to the secretary to see if she could get me a sub and then I called the doctor (a close friend).  By the time I had gotten to the doctor my temp was 103. I felt terrible-even the hair on my head hurt!  I stayed in bed for 5 straight days---awful!  It was the worst I had felt in ages.  So I do not take any chances-get your flu shot today.  By the way, I also quit smoking then-I was too sick to smoke so I said to myself if I can go a week without smoking, then I can quit-and I did!!

4. I've seen lots of people posting pictures of their Christmas trees up and decorated. Many stores have had Christmas on display since well before Halloween. Red cups are back at Starbucks, sans the holiday decor, and that has some people up in arms. What are your thoughts on all the holiday ruckus this second week of November?

I like to celebrate on holiday at a time.  Let me enjoy Thanksgiving before celebrating Christmas. 
I can"t believe we are arguing about a RED CUP.  Let's talk about something important such as: education, jobs, taking care of the elderly, finding a cure for diseases (Cancer, ALS, ) helping those who are less fortunate, but all this fuss about a RED CUP--SERIOUSLY????

5. What 'critter' are you most afraid of encountering unexpectedly? Why that one?

A mouse-I don't know why-just scared of them.

6. Do you like building things? What's the last thing you 'built'?

No, not really.  I have difficulty seeing the finished product.  In 2013, hub, daughter, and I remodeled a beer joint to our drug store...Chilhowie Drug Company and Coffee Shop.  I am amazed at the people who stop by and are amazed at the transformation.  I know remodeling may not seem like building but in this case it was huge.


7. In keeping with this month's theme of gratitude...what are you most grateful for that brings beauty to your daily life?

God and my family.  I love reading my devotions in the mornings, and I get ready for school/work listening to Contemporary Christian music-makes my mornings much smoother.  How can one underestimate the beauty of God's work.
Spending time with family brings beauty to my life.  As I have gotten older so has my family.  I miss seeing my daughters everyday and just chatting about all the silly girl stuff.  

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Hub has to have a procedure November 23rd-asking to whisper his name in your prayers because for 34 years he has taken my breathe away!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Weekend Rewind...

Weekend Rewind...

Image result for November

I have really enjoyed the unusually warm temps this week, but the time change is another story...
Is anyone else having a hard time with the time change?

Friday evening hub and I took grandson to the last high school football game.  We had planned on going to the Peanuts movie (earlier weather forecast was for rain) but grandson chose attending the football game.  It was a warm night, so we walked to the game.  Grandson had a skip in his step and all was great!  The game was a little teary eyed because it was also Senior Night and these fine men along with fine young ladies will be missed next year.  I am sure these fine men and ladies have a new path so promising. It began to sprinkle at the beginning of the fourth quarter so we headed back home.  I did not want to get caught in the rain.  Luckily the rain held off for the rest of the game. After giving grandson his bath, I was ready for bed-before 10-I can't get use to this time change.  

Saturday I attended a jewelry party and the coffee shop was decorated for Christmas (I didn't decorate-the photographer did).  The coffee shop was being used for Christmas pictures.  I must admit this put me a little in the Christmas mood.  But that changed....I like to enjoy one holiday at a time.  Thanksgiving first then Christmas....not to offend anyone. Later that evening, hub and I grabbed a bit to eat (Pizza) and before 9:30 I was sound asleep. I can't get use to this time change.

I can't get use to this time change. I need daylight to function and with it getting dark before 5:30 it is like my mind says to put pj's on and call it a night.  It will take me a few weeks to adjust and then it will be time to change the clock again!  I do wish they would leave the time alone...

Wednesday we will be having a Veteran's Day Program at school.  I do not think many young people realize what all these men and women have done to preserve our freedoms.  Many of mine uncles have fought in the Korean War and the Vietnam War.  I can remember my uncles having nightmares after returning home from the Vietnam War but not saying anything about the war itself.  I truly appreciate all who fought for my freedom. Thank a veteran!Image result for veterans day

Have a Blessed Week and Enjoy Life!Image result for veterans day

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...