Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1.  I recently read here about four secrets to happiness from around the world. They were-

Overcome your fears by facing them head on, allow yourself to relax and reset, work to live versus living to work, and find the good in life. Not sure if these are the actual secret to happiness, but which of the four do you struggle with most? Which one comes most easily to you?

I struggle the most with allowing myself to relax and reset. I feel so guilty relaxing thinking to myself there is so much to do and I need to get to it. In the back of my mind, I know relaxing and resetting will help me but I just can't bring myself to it.  Hub has said after the wedding, we need to take a mini vacation and relax.

2. How would you spend a found $20 bill today?

I would not spend the $20.  Instead, I would probably buy items with it to donate to our local back pack program.

3. Ego trip, power trip, guilt trip, round trip, trip the light fantastic, or trip over your own two feet...which 'trip' have you experienced or dealt with most recently? Explain.

Easy ones...tripping over my two own feet--I usually do this once a week.  This past weekend came a hair of doing this on the escalator.

4. If you could master any physical skill in the world what would it be, and how would you use that skill?

Ice skating...ahem

5. As July draws to a close, let's take inventory of our summer fun. Since the official first day of (North American) summer (June 20th) have you...been swimming? enjoyed an ice cream cone? seen a summer blockbuster? camped? eaten corn on the cob? gardened? deliberately unplugged? watched a ballgame? picked fruit off the vine? taken a road trip? read a book?  Are any of these activities on your must-do-before-summer-ends list?

I have been swimming, eaten corn on the cob, taken a road trip, and read a few books.  I am not a huge fan of ice cream (hub says I am unAmerican...)  I have wanted to go camping, but so far haven't been able to arrange for this to happen.

6. The Republican Presidential candidates will debate on August 6th. What's your question?

How will you bring the American Value back?  We have seemed to lost all concept in this area.  Please tell me how you are going to turn this country around?

7. What's your most listened to song so far this summer?

'Marry You' by Bruno Mars...ha!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

My daughter is in a wedding this weekend.  I hope the weather is great for the outside reception.  Then it is off on Sunday to Dolly Wood.  Hub and I are taking grandson for a week to Pigeon Forge!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Weekend Rewind....

Weekend Rewind....

Image result for raleigh north carolina

This weekend was spent in Raleigh, North Carolina.  I have never been to Raleigh, and I must say I was impressed.  Mutual Drug Company had their Trade Show there. We left early Saturday morning-not too bad of a drive maybe 4 hrs or less.

Image result for marriott convention center in raleigh north carolina

The Marriott was very nice when we asked if our rooms were available,  I mean, we only wanted to check in 5 hrs ahead of normal check-in time.  To our surprise, the rooms were available, so we were able to unload our vehicle and freshen up before hitting the trade show.  Thanks Marriott for such great hospitality!!

Image result for mutual drug trade show 2015

 Last year, daughter was not able to attend the Trade Show, so she was excited.  Now hub nor I are pharmacist, so we mainly enter all the free give-a-ways and just roam the trade show floor.  Daughter, on the other hand, went down every alise, talking to all the vendors (around 400), asking too many questions, and learning a lot of new information.  Daughter did win a few give-a-ways!  Not hub and I who had registered like 500 times, but daughter who only registered once!

After  dinner, we listened to music by the Tams.  I love the Tams music and so glad Mutual had gotten them.  Later, we took a ride through Raleigh taking in the sights.  Then we sat outside the Marriott and rocked in rocking chairs and chatted with one another and laughed till we all were giggly tired.

Sunday was much the same -talking to vendors but I participated in the Silent Auction and won!!  Yeah for me.  It was mainly for hubs-something he wanted but was afraid to bid- so I did! Hubs was feeling a little down-woke up with a sore throat but I said-Hey-we are at a drug show there has to  be someone with a sore throat relief around!  Right?

Hub still isn't feeling the best this morning...hopefully the antibiotic he is on will kick in and make him feel better soon!

Have a great week! and a little music to start your week...

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wednesday Hodgeodge

1. Is your home air conditioned? If it's not air conditioned, is that by choice? Did you grow up with air conditioning? If not how did you cope with the heat? Share about a time or place you remember as being too hot-the temperature kind of hot, lest anyone be confused.

My home is air conditioned.
Growing up, I did not have air conditioned.  It was a few years after I had gotten married when Dad and Mom decided to put air conditioned in their home. Mom and Dad would put fans in the windows at night to keep the house cool.  Early in the morning, the fans would be taken out of the windows, and the windows would be closed.  I don't remember ever being too hot at night to sleep.   
Hub gets a little perturbed sometimes because I can't stand for our house to be shut constantly.  There are some days I will open up the windows and let fresh air in.  Hub likes the coolness of the  air conditioner!  
A place I remember being too hot is when the girls were younger we took them to Disney World in July.  Way too hot in the day to enjoy.

2. What's something in your life right now that falls under the heading 'up in the air'?

We have to attend a meeting this weekend in North Carolina and hub can't decide on the time to leave.  For those who know me, I need to know the time (like last week) we are leaving so I can get things in order.  Hub will probably decide the night before the time he wants to leave-which aggravates me-but I roll with it.

3. Your favorite light and airy dessert?


4. When did you last feel like you were 'floating on air'?

I felt like I am 'floating on air' watching all the accomplishments of my daughters. My oldest daughter had two open heart surgeries before she was two years old.  Watching her graduate from pharmacy school, passing her boards, and beginning her own drug store I feel as though I was floating on air.
My youngest daughter will be getting married in August and graduating in May 2016 with her doctorate of physical therapy degree.

5. Airport, airmail, airtight, airhead...which have you most recently encountered? Explain.

Airhead....Last week with all the bridal shower stuff going on, hub asked me to take a package and mail it.  Hub assured me it would only take a minute or two. I have kept grandson (6yrs) all summer so I explained to grandson  last Thursday that I had a trillion things to do and I gave him the talk I had given my girls when I had a lot to do and their behavior had to be good or....they knew what would happen.
Anyway, I took the package to the post office to be weighed and mailed. The lady behind the counter told me the address was wrong on the package.  She asked me what was the correct address and I told her I did not know.  I proceeded to explain this was a package my husband was sending and I did not know the address.  I phoned hub and explained the situation, and he replied it was the correct address. I told lady the address was correct on the package which she replied no it wasn't and then told me she did not believe me that I did know the address! I bit my tongue and took a few deep breaths!   Thirty minutes later, I took the package back to hub and told him to go.  Hub went back to the post office-encounter the same lady and the package was weighed and mailed! Duh-go figure..

6.  Have you ever been to the Alps? If so where did you go? If not, is this a destination on your must-see list? If you were headed that direction this summer, which of the following would be your preferred activity...a gentle walk, a serious walk, a bike ride, a boat ride around one of the lakes, or summer snow skiing?

I have never been to the Alps.  If headed there, I would prefer a gentle walk.

7. What is one saying or phrase that was considered 'cool' when you were growing up?

'Right On' when agreeing with someone.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

July surprised us at first by being less humid and a little cool at night.  Surprise is over as the heat has returned along with the heavy thunderstorms.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Weekend Rewind...

Weekend Rewind....

Bridal Shower

This Saturday was daughter's bridal shower.  Time is going by way TOO fast for me right now.  

As gusts arrived, they were asked to write down their favorite recipe for the bride-to-be (Most know her mom is not very good in this area ha ha).  Guests also wrote down their favorite date night as husband and wife.  According to daughter, this is what her future husband and her have a hard time deciding on-- what to do.

There was plenty of food for the bridal brunch.

It looks like people are concentrating and writing in the above picture, and they were.  One of the games was guessing what the future groom thought about his future wife!  Right up my alley-only my answers were not daughter's answers. Hum....

Daughter and future son-in-law were engaged at Turks and Cacaos so the cake was this...
Daughter approved and I must say it was delicious! And the entire cake was  edible even the beach balls and flowers!

Many useful gifts....

Her bridal brunch was a success picture of HER!! The only picture is this...

Bride-to-be is the one with the long brown hair with her arms folded on the right hand side.  I can't believe no picture of her by herself :(    As her mom, I just felt terrible about this!

After daughter's bridal brunch, we attended her best friend's bridal shower that afternoon.  Daughter's best friend is getting married two weeks before daughter. I was stuffed from eating too much food and cake and it felt like I had eaten a bunch of doughnuts.  Definitely on a sugar high with too many calories.

Grandson wanted to spend the night and I was a little tired but what do you say but -okay come on.
He wanted to go back to Barter Theater.  On Wednesday, I had taken him to Barter to see the play, "Jungle Book,"

He wanted to go again,  After explaining to him the play was not being shown, he was okay with it.  I did promise that when another play came, suited to his age, we would definitely go.  Saturday was a long day and a long night at my house. 

Sunday, hub and grandson were both fitted for their tux-another item checked off the list.  Yes, I make a list-paper and pencil list that is.  Daughter uses her phone, but I need to see the list  everyday to make sure it is getting smaller and smaller but most to make sure items are being taken care of. When daughter makes fun of my list, I just smile and say-I got my way, you got your way. ahem

This week isn't going to be so hectic wedding wise, but I still have my own personal list to take care of. That's how I roll!!

P.S.  I have started to cry over the least little thing--maybe it is the wedding mode.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Weekend Rewind....

Weekend Rewind......

Late Thursday night we began packing daughter #2 furniture and other items and finished on Friday.  Hub drove the U-haul to meet future son-in-law to unload.  Hub said future son-in-law kept asking if a piece of furniture looked okay where he placed it.  Hub jokingly said, it doesn't matter because when Emily would come she would change it. Ha-that's my daughter!!  I am glad hub got to spend some time alone with future son-in-law--men bonding for a little bit.

So what did I do on Friday while hub was unloading U-Haul?  I took my mom and aunt dress shopping.  My mom is 77 years old, and we haven't always gotten along very well.  I was a daddy's girl, and when my father passed away at the age of 47, my world just kinda crumbled.  Anyway, Mom enjoyed herself and so did I!!  I have become to have more patience with Mom the older I get.  Sometimes I just take a slow breath and hum a song and all seems to be okay.

My aunt, who is my father's sister, is only two years older than I, so we are more like sister had a blast!  We all shopped, laughed, and ate till our hears desire.  It was such a fun-filled day no one (including myself who was so anxious about the outing) wanted to come home.  I did text hub a few times to make sure he was okay with the unloading of the U-Haul and he was.

Later that evening hub and I talked like we usually do on our front porch about the day's events.  I told him about mine and he seemed to enjoy his day except for driving the U-Haul-he said he thought he was driving a wagon.

Ran a lot of errands on Saturday to get ready for daughter's bridal shower this coming Saturday.  I have a few ideas and daughter has a few ideas so .....who knows.

Sunday I went to see how the apartment was coming along.  I must say it looks very cozy and I am proud of daughter and future son-in-law.  I am sure they will make this place a happy home.

Tomorrow is a professional development day for me-what was I thinking????  But I told myself this would be my first -last day of professional development!!

Have a great week.

Please say a prayer for a special friend of mine.  I just learned a few minutes ago that my friend's husband is dying.  Such a strong woman but I know she would appreciate the prayers.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Thanks Joyce for the questions.

1. When did you last 'swim against the tide'? Explain.

A couple of years ago, we opened up a new pharmacy in town along with a coffee shop.  Our town is very small.  Opening up a business from the ground up was overwhelming. There were many people who were offered their negative opinions but we kept swimming.  Daughter is doing great as a pharmacist!! and I am so proud of her.

2. What's the last self-help or self-improvement book you read?

The Bible-I read a devotion and mediate daily.

3"Tolerance is a tremendous virtue, but the immediate neighbors of tolerance are apathy and weakness." (Sir James Goldsmith) 

Agree or disagree? Discuss. With civility please, because I think we have a good thing going in our very diverse (in geography, age, religion, political persuasion, ethnicity, marital status, upbringing, and cooking abilities) neighborhood here on This Side of the Pond.

I understand what he is saying.  I try to be tolerant of others even though I do no agree with their sayings or lifestyle.  I usually just keep quiet trying not to ruffle any feathers.  Then I feel by me keeping quiet I have agreed with them because keeping quiet is doing something.

4. What is one of your most vivid memories of the kitchen from your childhood?

My most vivid memory would be all the wonderful smells as Mom was baking.

5. How did/do your own children's summers compare with your summers as a child? If you're not a parent, answer as it relates to what you've observed about the current generation of children vs. your own childhood.

When growing up, I remember attending church camp for a week. We would travel to Baltimore to see my grandparents.  The rest of my summer I helped Mom and Dad around the house and then playing outside with all our creativity games.
My daughters summers were packed with camps-sport camps and band camps.  Hub and I would take daughters on vacations-usually to the beach or Disney world. I would let daughters sleep in which is something I seldom was able to do as child.
Today, I observe children staying inside.  I have to make grandson go outside and play; he would rather stay in and play his Ipad or watch television.  Children today do not know how to play games such as drop the handkerchief, red light, mother may I?, which makes me sad.

6. Tell us what body of water you would most like to be on or near today, and why?

I am not a water person at all.  I am content just watching all the water activities from the shore.

7.  Share a favorite song about water, or a favorite song with the word water in it's title, or a favorite song to listen to as you sit beside the water.

"There Must Be Something in the Water"

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Yesterday, I took grandson for an outing.  He is going to be staying with his other grandmother while his dad plays golf.  I know some days I feel like I need a break but when the break comes I miss him too much.

A couple of nights ago I went to a little 'get together' and had a great time catching up with friends.  I hope when I retire, I can still keep in touch with ole colleagues and still get together with them.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind.....

Rain....Rain....and more Rain...
Image result for rain

The rain began on Thursday night.  Friday morning it was still raining.  I ran to the store-between the downpours to pick up a few items. Thankfully, I stayed somewhat dry.  We haven't had much rain this summer, so we are catching up.

Friday, was daughter's bridal pictures.  Her hair/nail appointment was at 3 and pictures at 6.  The rain kept coming and coming down.  Not only was daughter upset due to the weather, but her hair appointment that was scheduled at 3 lasted until 5:50!  Which left 10 minutes to do make-up and get to the place for pictures.  No way could we make this work!!
 Image result for phone calls So I began calling the photographer and explained the hair situation....and the photographer was super, super understanding...then I proceeded to call the lady who was doing make-up and explaining the hold -up and she was also super, super understanding.  As a matter of fact, both the photographer and the make-up artist just laughed and said to tell Emily not to panic this stuff happens all the time!  I tried to reassure daughter all was okay and not to panic and to quit shaking!!  The rain proceeded to come down in sheets and downpours! not helping the situation at all.

Just as we were about to go in for pictures, the rain stopped!!  (God was smiling, I know it)  Since the ground was completely soaked and soggy, pictures were made inside a cabin.  At first, I was skeptical, but the photographer was not.  She was able to do so much inside the cabin.  I must say my daughter was absolutely beautiful!  I didn't cry maybe it was because of the rain, or maybe it was because we were way, way behind our scheduled appointment, I don't know.  Pictures lasted for a couple of hours, and we finally made it home a little after 9 that evening and it was still pouring rain!  Hub did text quite frequently wondering when we would be finished with pics and to tell me he was hungry. Men just don't understand all the wedding stuff, sigh.

Friday was also my birthday!!  So, I have a hard time eating a late dinner, so I grabbed a pack of crackers and a bag of chips and chowed down!!  Daughter kept apologizing for the lateness, and I know she felt terribly sad but heck things happen and you just have to roll with it.

More rain on Saturday!!  Hub planned on grilling out and I tried to talk him out of it but no avail.  The sky cleared that evening and hub couldn't wait to tell me he was right (the rain would stop) and I was wrong.  He began grilling and within 15 minutes the downpour came.  Our grill is covered and hub was having the time of his life in the rain,  I, on the other hand, didn't like the rain at all and was not happy about it.  After dinner, the rain did stop.  Hub and I walked to a friend's house to watch the fireworks.  With all the rain, I was surprised the fireworks were still happening!  

Hub and I like to sit out at night and talk. Here lately, this is the only chance we really have.  I do most of the talking and he mainly listens.  After I rant a little, he begins his rant.  It was close to midnight and all of a sudden I hear this child screaming and this couple cursing.  I thought to myself, I am not hearing right.  The screaming and cursing I began walking up the street to see what on earth was going on.  Quick as I began walking here came the police and an ambulance.  The cursing ceased but the screaming continued.  A little girl was sick and she was taken to the hospital.  Where was the cursing coming from??  Another couple a few houses down had partaked too much to drink and were arguing...hum the cursing.  I think the police scared this couple and the cursing stopped!  Hub asked when I returned what did I think I could do and I politely said I didn't know but the screaming was awful and the cursing was worse and I just needed to see what on earth was happening...hub replied I was crazy. Afterwards I thought the same thing, but I would never tell him that.

Rain continued through the night and on Sunday more rain.  After church, we took both grandsons to Chuck E. Cheese...Both boys had a good time and I did, too. I feel sorry for both boys with the life style they see and whenever I can I try to get them away.  Again, my heart is heavy and I wish there was something I could do but I can't.  I know hub stays upset constantly about his son's behavior and I really don't say much about it. I just tell hub I pray every night for God to keep both boys safe.

It is still raining-HARD but tomorrow is another day!

Have a great week! 

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...