Monday, June 16, 2014

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind...

Tuesday was the last day for teachers in my school district.  Yeah!!  Now for some much deep needed house cleaning!  I planned (notice planned) on starting on Wednesday, but decided to just relax for a bit.  Thursday I just picked up here and there, and Friday was you know Friday and I didn't want to. Saturday rolled around and decided it was too pretty to do any house chores.  Here it is Monday and I am going to begin!!

Tuesday evening was a little get together pizza celebration for T-Ball.  The pizza party was going to be at our local park-nice picnic shelters and playgrounds.  Great place to have a pizza party and let the kids play.  A few minutes before the pizza celebration began, the sky turned to black and the wind began blowing.  I knew a storm was coming-soon!  The pizza party was moved to our coffee shop.  Not many players or parents got caught in storm-:) didn't want a bunch of wet players and parents.  The pizza was eaten, trophies were handed out, pictures were taken, and the electricity stayed on!!  The storms (notice storms-not just one but many) came and all was happy and safe inside.
A great group of T-Ball Players.

Hubs had a great Father's Day!  He wanted to cook-out and this was fine with the family.  However, yesterday I felt kinda bad for him.  I told him we should have taken him out to dinner, but he said he didn't want to go-he enjoyed grilling out.  This made daughter #2 happy because she had purchased him grilling utensils for Father's Day.

He did enjoy grilling out those delicious steaks!

Hub also enjoyed daughter #1's gift card.  She said she couldn't go wrong with this gift.
I think hub is trying to tell me something in this photo.

Grandsons came by with their gifts and cards.  I know this completed hub's Father's Day.
There is no other love like the love of a grandchild.

My mom's birthday is today.  She is 76 years old!  She came down yesterday.  She had found her present in my house!  The present I hadn't gotten around to wrapping.  What do you buy someone who will be 76 years old?  
I had purchased her practical gifts-she loves baskets!  Inside the baskets were homemade apple butter and her favorite homemade candy.
Mom was surprised!  She looks good for someone who is 76 years old!  

Bible School starts tonight.  The theme is Safari Jungle, and this past Friday was an animal show with snakes, turtles, and other animals.  I didn't attend the animal show, but all who did said it was great. I plan (there is that magical word again-plan) to attend a few nights :)

Have a Great Week and Enjoy Life!


  1. Your mom looks great! Happy Birthday to her! Your housecleaning regimen sounds like mine. I'm supposed to be scouring my kitchen right now, but it was exhausting so I'm taking a blog break : )

  2. I had to take about a week just to recharge before I even felt like starting to clean the house! Take your time...there's no hurry! :)


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...