Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weekend Rewind

Thirty days has September, April, June, and November
All the rest have thirty-one
This year, February was the longest one!!!

Honestly, thought February would never end.  Snow, blistery cold, days missed from school, slipping and sliding everywhere....went on and on and on.  It was so hard to try and revive...days were gloomy and I just couldn't get back on track.  One day while complaining about the weather, a friend told me to stop complaining and just admire God's work.  Never thought about that-I mean I thank God for all things but never for the cold weather or snow. I must say this person shed a new light me.

Hub and I traveled to watch the girls's high school team play in the regional basketball championship game on Saturday evening.  I was so excited to watch our girls play; I had really missed going to high school games.  I was able see people I haven't seen in years-one in particular was daughter's AAU coach and his wife.  Gosh it has been at least 6 years since last seeing them.  Felt like ole times being in the gym and hub had to pat my leg and tell me to 'calm down'. Definitely back to my ole ways of yelling!!  Our girls lost the game, but they are still able to play one more game to see if they qualify for State!  So proud of the team and I know how all parents are feeling because years ago I was in their shoes!

Came home and was greeted with the news that daughter had went and got a tatoo-on her foot!  I kinda knew she was going to but didn't actually think she would go through with it.  She did! the tatoo is small and her pharmacy symbol.  She asked if I like it, and I replied what would you do if I said "No?"  I think she knew my answer.  Honestly, I do think it is cute.

These first few days of March have been nice-spring/like.  Our weather is suppose to change tonight-rain, to sleet and then snow.  I am thinking of the saying-March comes in like a lion it will go out like a lamb.  Saying to myself-weather will be spring soon!

Have a great week!


  1. So far we've skipped the tatoos.To my knowledge anyway : )

    1. Tammy Doane, please contact me. My wife is a Grogg, born in Saltville. Her grandmother was Sarah Elizabeth Doane from Saltville. We're trying to find more of her relatives. My name is Robert Fore and I'm on Facebook. My e-mail is


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...