Sunday, December 1, 2013

Weekend Rewind...

Weekend Rewind...

With a little Thanksgiving Rewind....

Daughter #2 was able to be home for a week-her classes begin on Tuesday.  Then she has only two weeks of classes and exams left before her Christmas break.  Christmas break will last for 6 weeks!!  I haven't written much about #2 daughter and I because we clash a lot.  I love her with all my heart, but we clash a lot.  Hub has a bet that she will be home only two weeks before we begin arguing.  Hub says we are just too much alike. Did I mention we clash a lot??

Woke up to a cold, crisp morning with snow on the ground on Thanksgiving.  Daughter #2 was able to take Sadie, our new family member outside for awhile while I finished cooking 5 pounds of green beans.

The green beans had to be at the church by 8 on Thanksgiving Day.  Our church delivers food to the needy on Thanksgiving Day and our family has always participated in this.  We loaded our van with 34 meals
and began our delivery.  I love doing this every year.  A very humbling experience for our entire family.  Conversations in the van always center on how blessed we are as a family and sometimes tears fall with thoughts of gratitude.

After the food has been delivered, we gather back at the church.  This is what I was able to hold...
This precious little one is our minister's granddaughter.  She loves to cuddle which is right up my alley.  I miss holding a little one and listening to them breathe-no better feeling.

While I begin preparing our Thanksgiving Dinner, a few relaxed.

After dinner-I must admit, I feel a 'little disappointed' because all have left.  So, I talked hub into going to Wal-Mart not to buy anything but just to watch the people.  It truly amazes me to watch people-grown ups mostly  misbehave like children-yelling and grabbing.  This confirms my belief that as a society, many have lost the true meaning of the Christmas Season.  Hub vowed to never go back to Wal-Mart at least not on Thanksgiving Day.

On Saturday, #2 daughter had a nice surprise.  Her college roommate, for three years, was passing through on her way home to Virginia Beach.
The children do not belong to any of these two girls.  Nate loved daughter's roommate, Samantha,  and she had asked to bring Nate down to see her. The little baby belongs to hub's son, also.

Samantha also brought her finance and their children with them-Leo and Myla.

Adorable children, don't you agree?
Much talked centered around Sam's wedding and her acceptance into Vet school. So thrilled for this young lady.

Tonight my 'little man' did his Christmas Program-saying his lines perfect and then ringing the bells. Afterwards, we all met at our Coffee Shop for soup and dessert.  Such great fellowship.

A Perfect Weekend with such great memories.

1 comment:

  1. The baby is adorable : ) I'm glad you had your girls home-so nice! And I love your Thanksgiving tradtion!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...