Sunday, March 10, 2013

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind

This weekend was an experience few and far between for me.  Hub and I always keep grandson (Nate)every weekend-especially on Saturday and take him to church with us on Sunday.  Then he usually spends all day with us on Sunday.  This weekend was different.

We had previously checked the weather forecast and knew bright, sunny skies were predicted.  We  -all  of the family (daughters and their boyfriends) wanted to take grandson to Chuck E Cheese and then to the playground. Nate's dad was going golfing and his other Mamow was coming in from North Carolina.  When his other Mamow comes in, we still keep Nate on Saturday and Sunday. So our weekend was planned.  Even the best of plans don't go according to plan.  Friday evening after school both daughters were crying and upset.  Nate's other Mamow had decided to keep Nate on Saturday, which I need to reiterate was a first.  Explaining to my daughters that this was not in our control and it would be alright, was a hard task.  After much discussion on this topic and all was settled, we did the next best thing--Eat and make other plans-well daughters made other plans with their boyfriends.  Food does make one feel better.

Saturday-#2 daughter and her boyfriend headed to Roanoke, and #1 daughter and her boyfriend had plans to cook dinner and watch a movie.  I looked at hub and said-let's go somewhere-just start driving and see where we want to go.  We ended up at the mall and just did some simple window looking.  Later we headed over to hub's brother's house,  Hub's brother has a farm and is known for taking in all animals-truthfully!  Baby goats had just been born that morning and hub's brother was so excited.  I walked down to look at them and they were so cute-how adorable. A sign of spring for me.

After our little farm journey, hub and I decided to go out and eat.
 When our food arrived, we sat and asked each other how long had it been since it was just the two of us out for dinner.  Neither of us could remember.  We talked, laughed, and ate.  Gosh, both of us had missed these days-just the two of us enjoying each other's company.

Sunday after church, we all went to eat-very seldom happens after church.  For many years, daughters were either leaving to return to college, we were too exhausted from traveling, and we had grandson-who didn't really want to go.  So, we enjoyed a nice Sunday lunch after church.

We have purchased a building to hopefully turn into a business-coffee shop and later a pharmacy.  Hub and I went to look around the building, and I wanted to take pictures since the remodeling will start tomorrow-I want to remember how the building originally looked before we began with the remodeling.  I am excited about this project.

This evening, we all realized that we made it through the weekend.  Both daughters did say that I must have gained many pounds-since hub and I went out to eat very often.  Yes, food is comforting.

Looking forward to Monday and seeing little man, though.

1 comment:

  1. A pharmacy-that's exciting! Good luck with your business endeavor!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...