Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind.....

Friday evening, family (hub, daughters, and I-for once) were able to go out to dinner.  We ran into some ole colleagues of mine.  We chatted for a while; it was so nice seeing ole friends whom I use to teach with.  The older I get, I have realized that friends mean so much more than just friends--you know what I mean?  I truly miss my colleagues.  We talked about how much education has changed over the years as well as parenting skills.  When  I look back over my teaching years, 31 years as a matter of fact, I am scared for  our younger generation. This really saddens me.  On the way home, family joked with me-"So instead of a family dinner,we experienced a teacher reunion." :)  Yeah!

Saturday, I went shopping for some last minute Thanksgiving 'stuff'-napkins, etc.  Low and behold-when what do my wondering eyes should appear but ----Santa Claus.  I love Christmas, but let's take this one holiday at a time and enjoy Thanksgiving! I enjoy Thanksgiving too much to try and get ready for Christmas. I have never decorated before Thanksgiving-a tradition I have had-not even listen to Christmas music till Thanksgiving is over.  It was too difficult to tell grandson he couldn't sit on Santa Claus's lap.  Could you have told him "No?"  The tradition ended here....on this day...

He enjoyed a Christmas cookie.

Then #2 daughter had join in on some fun...

Sunday at church, grandson and another cousin was dressed alike-by coincidence of course!

The pictures don't exactly show but they both were wearing the identical shirts and pants.  I did have to ask cousin if he shopped at the Children's Place--haha.

Then off to a Christmas Parade....What?  It is amazing how a little one can change your mind and...well, I went to the Christmas Parade.
Grandson was so excited.\

Beautiful floats....

Personally, I could listen to bagpipes for hours.....This group is amazing to hear.

I am waiting for a snowfall to go riding in one of these.....

When I was growing up, Dad and I would ride-I miss those days.

and now the moment all children are ready for.....

Happy Thanksgiving!

There have been so many blessing this year I can be truly thankful for.


  1. I agree! Santa shouldn't be in the mall before Thanksgiving! Cute picture though : )

  2. When 2 teachers get together, especially after not seeing each other for a while, well...! I understand completely!
    I don't understand why the big rush for Christmas. Oh wait...I guess the retailers want the money. I usually don't do the bulk of my shopping until the week before. That's when everything is on sale!

    1. Me either-I usually wait till the week before Christmas.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...