Sunday, November 4, 2012

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind....

Was not able to post about last need to catch up on that first.

 Hub, #2daughter, and I took grandson to Fall Festival last weekend.  He enjoyed playing the games while I enjoyed the silent auction.

He doesn't look too happy here--time for a pose then you may play.

Last Sunday, we had a young group come to our church and perform, This group was amazing,  I could have listened to them sing for hours.  We had volunteered for a few girls to spend the night at our house and it was a blessing to us.

On Tuesday, I was home sick-some type of flu bug.  #1 daughter was on her way home-she had her check-up in Charlottesville on  Wednesday a check-up I might add, she has put off for two years because of her classes at pharmacy school.  #1 daughter has had two open heart surgeries and I have never missed a doctor's appointment with her until now.  I cried all day Wednesday and worried.  When hub called to say her pressures in her heart were up and she was going through a stress test, I lost it at home.  From the time hub called until he called again-was the longest 30 minutes.  I cried, I prayed, I cried, I prayed,..So happy to hear she hit a 'home run' on the stress test and was on her way home.  I cried, I prayed, I cried, I prayed some more. I know God does not put any more on us than we can handle, and Wednesday was a very tough day for me.

The sunset was beautiful Halloween Night....
 As I looked at the sunset and took this picture-I thought to myself-this was God saying to me He has it all under control.

Grandson and #2 daughter were all excited.

They both went to church for Trunk & Treat.  Over 900 people came to church for trunk & treat!

 This weekend wasn't too exciting.  I kept grandson on Friday night.  We went shopping for Operation Christmas Child.  On Saturday, I explained to him the reason we had bought what we did-  a little boy to be happy Christmas Morning.  He helped me put the items in a shoe box and then he said, now tell me the story again Mam Mow about the happy little boy. While tears stung my eyes, I retold the story.

I must end with another story about that I die laughing.
I am sure your phone is constantly ringing with campaign surveys.  Grandson loves to answer the phone and he can carry on a conversation like an adult.  Last night our phone rang, and he answered it as usual.  He was just talking away and then he says, Okay, will you bring me a chicken nugget happy meal, tea, and a toy.  He handed the phone to me ( I assumed it was #1 or #2 daughter) it was a campaign worker for Mitt Romney!!  The person did get a laugh out of grandson; I think he had made her night!

Hope all is safe and well.

1 comment:

  1. Glad #1daughter's checkup turned out okay. No helpless feeling like knowing there's nothing you can do for your matter how old they are!
    900 for trunk or treat...WOW!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...