Sunday, January 22, 2012

Praise God for the sunshine.  

This past week has been so gloomy.  It has rained and rained and rained.  The temperatures have been more lile 'spring time' than winter.  Even though the calendar says January and I have 'Let It Snow' decor up, it is more like March.

The rain is so depressing ....and this is what it has been like all week.  

I think I am depressed because I am scared.  Hub has his colonoscopy Tuesday.  He was diagnosed in January  2010 with colon cancer and has taken chemo treatments.  December 2010, had another colonoscopy and now has one on Tuesday.  Hub use to coach high school baseball.  He was never a teacher, only a coach.  One of his past players is an anesthesiologist.  He will be putting my husband to sleep on Tuesday and will stay with him.  He called my hub to tell him this and to tell him it will be an honor to take care of him.  What a blessing this man is.  


 Hub showed me a knot on his back last night.  This really freaked me out.  He says it doesn't hurt, but....once you have had experience with the big 'C' word any little pain makes your mind think the worst.  Then I get angry with him for not telling me about his knot sooner and start asking all kinds of questions...When did you notice the knot?  Has it gotten any bigger?  Does it seem to move?  Is it sore to touch?  Why haven't you told the doctor?  Do you feel alright? 

My nerves and 'mind' is getting the best of me. In the mornings, I read a short five minute devotion from a book I have purchased.  This morning it was about times we have adversity in our life.  God knew my thoughts and feelings!  I know God is my protector and when I  call upon Him-He will answer my heartfelt prayer.  I just need to have faith in God.  I do know God knows I am human, and right now I am scared.

Daughter #2 played  basketball this weekend at her college.  #1 daughter came home -she knows how I get when the time gets close-and we all went to the basketball game.
Daughter surprised-as she is coming out of tunnel-we brought her nephew with us.  He does have an eye for the 'ladies.'
Daughter ready to play!

Have a great week!  

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Wednesday Hodgepodge

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