Tuesday, July 5, 2011

100 Things about Me

Thought this would be fun.......


1. I love Jesus Christ with all my heart
2.  I love coffee-don't speak to me unless I have my coffee.
3.  Married with 2 children
4.  I have a step-grandson
5.  Easily ticked off
6.  Too blunt-this I am really trying to work on.
7.  Love the color red
8.  Love music
9.  Sometimes it takes me a long time to go to sleep--a little bit of a night owl
10. Love to read!
11. Usually a happy person.
12.  Enjoys listening to birds singing
13.  Purchases too many pocketbooks and shoes!!!!!
14.  Enjoys sitting on my front porch in the summertime at night
15.  I get really excited when school is closed due to bad weather.
16.  Not a good cook-cooking does not interest me at all.  I usually sign up for paper products and utensil and drinks when having to take something.
17.  Totally OCD when it comes to neatness and cleaning.
18.  Thoughtful of others-wish others would be this way.
19.  I have finally be able to go to New York-want to go again.
20.  Excited at sporting events-a little out of control if you know what I mean.
21.  Proud to be an American.
22.  Proud of Daughter #1 in pharmacy school and Daughter #2 in college and plays college basketball.
23.  Planner -many calendars to write on
24.  I don't watch much TV
25.  I love Japanese Food
26.  My hair is too thick
27.  Wear glasses or contacts then sometimes reading glasses
28.  Speaking of glasses, lose them and realize they on top of my head
30.  My mother is still living
31.  My favorite seafood is ---hard shell crabs with hot spices
32.  I get bored easily-I only need a couple of weeks to get rest and then I get bored
33.  Attend church regularly
34.  Have one brother
35.  Don't dislike animals, but don't want any
36.  A summertime meal for me is usually-cornbread muffins and garden tomatoes
37.  Thankful my husband enjoys cooking and grilling
38.  Another quality-patience
39.  I read an inspirational saying-book every night
40.  Like wearing jewelry
41.  One day I would like to travel outside the U.S.
42.  I am full of nervous energy
43.  Speak before thinking....a trait I need to work on
44.  I really don't mind the four seasons---fall, winter, spring, summer
45.  I enjoy walking in the snow
46.  Spending time with my girls is priceless
47.  I worry a lot
48.  Use to play the clarinet
49.  I can read sheet music
50.  Can usually tell when someone isn't telling the truth-too many psychology classes
51.  I am a Phi Mu-alumnae
52.  I am a private person until one gets to know me
53.  Believes we need to help people all the time, not just at Christmas
54.  Cry when watching a sad movie
55.  I collect dolls.
56.  Love to go for walks-this is when I seem to do my best thinking.
57.  Would rather eat desserts than a meal.
58.   Hesitate a lot
59.   Years ago I use to help set tobacco on a farm
60.  I have never been to the west coast
61.  Not a fan of water---but I do take a shower--haha
62,  Before I had children, I use to go cross country skiing
62.  Not afraid of heights
63.  I love to take my daughters shopping
64.  I have moved into 8 houses since 1981--glad hub has finally settled down.
65.  Love the thrill of roller coasters!
66.  Enjoys ole fashion country cooking
67.  Enjoy cooking for all on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (rarely do I like to cook)
68.  Interested in World War II
69.  Enjoy politics
70.  Sponsor of a child in another country
71.  Enjoys our Thanksgiving tradition--delivering food to those less fortunate with other members of my church
72.   I enjoy looking at a beautiful sunset or seeing a gorgeous moon
73.  Panics easily
74. Have taught school for 30 years
75. Studious
76.  I am a huge University of Tennessee College football fanatic
77.  I save for a rainy day but forget where I hid the money!!!!!!
78.  I think sunsets are gorgeous!!!
79.  I tend to set more than one alarm clock and husband still has to jab me to turn them off.
80.  I tend to fall out of bed trying to turn off an alarm clock.
81.  I enjoy walking through the woods on a cool day.
82.  Like to listen to the rain hitting on a tin roof.
83.  I enjoy decorating our lawn for the Apple Festival our town has in September.
84.  I love a parade.
85.  I like to drive around neighborhoods at Christmas and look at all the Christmas decorations.
86.  I enjoy giving out candy on Halloween and admiring the children's costumes.
87.  We always go church on Christmas Eve as a family.
88.   Sometimes I do things-at the spur of the moment.
89.   I tend to have trouble saying "no"---too many projects going on at once.
90.  I miss my youth---carefree days and wonder why did I want to grow up soo fast.
91.  Not that much into fast food restaurants---
92.  I would like to learn another language.
93.  I play volleyball in our back yard with my daughters and boyfriends.
94.  Always prays before eating-even at school while on lunch duty.
95.  I have enjoyed my 'family time' this summer-this is becoming rare as the girls get older.
96.  I still have a pretty good memory-even at the age of 52-this still surprises my husband-I can remember dates and what we were doing

98.  Worry about the future and what our world is going to be like
99.  I enjoy having little 'get togethers' at my house.
100. In a book club-which I love!

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