Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond

1. What was your favorite part about growing up in your hometown? 

We all were very close friends.  Many Saturday nights we would cruise around the town and park on the parking lot. While sitting on the parking lot, many friends would come by, and we would just sit and talk.  In the summer, the CARNIVAL came to town. What a fun and exciting week.  I was given an allowance, and I had to make it last all week.  In September, we had a huge Labor Day Celebration that lasted four days!! Garth Brooks even came during Labor Day.  In December, there was a huge Christmas Parade and the streets were lined for miles and miles with people.  No one needed car lights because the town was all decked out in lights at Christmas.

2. Do you prefer 'material' gifts or 'experience' gifts? If you answered experience, tell us about one you've received and truly enjoyed. 

I prefer 'experience' gifts.

On my trip to Hawaii, my girls trip gang had booked massages. I had never had a massage before.  We arrived at the massage place, can't remember the name of it,, but President Obama and his wife were there, I went up to pay and my precious daughter, Amanda had pre-paid for me.  I just started crying.  

I did enjoy the massage experience, but haven't had one since then.

3. Is brown a color featured prominently in your home decor? Your wardrobe? What's a favorite brown thing you own? Of the brown foods listed here which one is your favorite and/or most often consumed... brown sugar, brown rice, pretzels, coffee, dates, cloves, German chocolate cake, whole wheat bread?

My den is mostly brown but that is it.  I have many brown colored clothes and shoes! I have a huge jewelry case.  It contains 8 drawers and two sides to hang my jewelry. It is a favorite of mine because it keeps all my jewelry organized and so easy to locate a piece of jewelry when in a rush.

Coffee is my favorite and most often consumed brown food.

4. Which 'Charlie Brown' character do you relate to most? If you're not sure, you can take a fun quick quiz by clicking here-Which Charlie Brown Character Are You?  or the one found here-Charlie Brown Quiz. I got the same answer on both. 

I am Snoopy, an extreme extrovert.

5. What's a favorite item you've purchased this year?  

My phone.  My old phone finally died, and I had to purchase a new one in April.  I was sad because I had not backed up my photos so I lost pictures of my late hub and daughter.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We took our 8th graders to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg last Friday!!  SHEW!!!  It was a little over a 3 hour bus ride and I was on the boys' bus....I will say no more.  Just glad we made it back safe and sound.

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life! and don't eat too much turkey!


  1. We cruised around a circuit and ended in an abandoned parking lot, too! So many memories of that place!

  2. Oh wow, I bet that trip was something lol. Can't imagine chaperoning 8th graders there. Good for you! We didn't do the parking lot 'cruise' but hubs talks about that from his hometown. I'm sorry about the lost pictures. I'm sure that was heartbreaking. Have a good day Tammy!

  3. LOL I hear you; I know what 8th grade boys are like and uh, no thanks.

  4. My armpits started sweating just thinking of being on that bus with 8th grade boys! Glad you made it there and back in one piece! Sorry about the photos you lost on your old phone. That massage was a sweet gift. Happy Hodgepodge!

  5. I work in an elementary school, so the idea of a busfull of 8th grade boys is terrifying to me LOL. Glad you had a safe trip though and hope you have a great Thanksgiving!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...