Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond

1. What's something you think is under appreciated. Explain.  


When someone is silent, I think it is considered a disagreement or that the person is just not paying attention to what you are saying.  Silence  is actually giving that person a time to reflect before responding.  

Even in our homes, well mine, it is very seldom silent and it is just me.  The television or radio is constantly on and even when I exercise, I have headphones on.  We have been bombarded with our phone dinging constantly with messages.

Personally, I feel as though I have become uncomfortable with silence. This is something I need to work on more.  Our world is noisy and silence is important.

2. As winter approaches how do you stay productive? 

I am not very productive during the winter season.  There are some days when I will actually clean out a cabinet (my go-to drawer where I keep too much stuff) or clean out my clothes closet.  

3. What'a popular food you don't like? 

I am not a fan of barbecue or Sushi.  

4. What do you think is more interesting-art or history? Elaborate. 

History is more interesting to me.  History helps us learn from our past and hopefully won't repeat past mistakes. Yesterday, was Veteran's Day, and we had an assembly at school.  Sitting and listening to the amazing stories of our veterans was so captivating.  I also think history helps us understand or get a better perspective of the world we live in today.

I have always been a history nerd! 

5. What advice would you give to someone half your age? 

Always put God first in your life.   Don't be afraid to pursue your dreams/goals. and don't be afraid to make changes.  Prioritize your health.  Take time for yourself...even if it is just a ten minute interrupted soak in the tub.  Enjoy what you are doing.  Always tell those you love that you love them.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Interesting last week for me...not talking about the election. 

Last Wednesday, I had a basal cell removed from my ankle, which the dermatologist was just as surprised as I was.  Then on Thursday, I stepped in a hole in my yard as I was walking my dog and tore my ligaments on the top of my foot.!!  Ouch! talk about pain and being nauseous I was.  When one lives my their self, it is hard to maneuver around without any help.  I was crawling in my house.  Luckily, I was able to call my aunt and she and her hub took me to the ER.  SHEW!! I use to laugh at one of those life alert necklace, but now I completely understand why I might need one.

Brighter note...Saturday was the first game of basketball my little man.  He played so well.

Wishing all a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!



  1. I appreciate silence, too, or simply the sounds of nature.

  2. Oh I'm sorry about your ankle. I am a fan of the quiet. We've had the TV on more than usual due to election coverage, but normally we don't have it on at all during the day. Except college football on Saturdays of course : )

  3. I like silence at times too. Hope your foot heals quickly.

  4. I'm so sorry about your fall - ouch!!! I had a basal cell removed from my ear a couple of months ago - fairly intricate incision and lots of stitches. They didn't get it all so I had to have it SCRAPED this past Friday. I hope we are done with that ear. Someone else said they don't like sushi or BBQ. I love BBQ but have never eaten sushi. I don't think I would like it.

  5. Oh no! I'm a week late commenting. I hope you're feeling somewhat better. I've loved reading what everyone has written for Number 1


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...