Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond

1. Spring is officially upon us, no matter what the weather may be in your neck of the woods. Is there any 'spring cleaning' on your to-do list? What's your most dreaded task? 

A chilly, cloudy spring day.  Definitely 'spring cleaning' is on my to-do list!!  I dread cleaning the blinds because I have great difficulty taking them down and putting them back up.

2. What's something many people seem to love, but to you feels like 'watching the grass grow'? 

Golf!  I have really tried to like this sport but I think t is the most boring sport ever!!

3. Mint grows in abundance during the spring season. Are you a fan? What's your favorite food with a 'minty' flavor? 

I am a fan of mint.  My favorite drinks would be Mint Julep and and fresh mint tea.  In the summer a cool refreshing food I make is watermelon salad with mint so refreshing.

4. It's been said, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder.' Agree or disagree? Explain. 

Agree!!!  In romance and other situations, absence makes the heart grow fonder.  In romance, I think one appreciates the other partner more when not seeing each other every day.

From experience....My family moved back to Virginia after living in Baltimore, Maryland.  I missed my grandmother so much and couldn't wait to spend my summer with her.  I think one of the reasons absence make the heart grow fonder is I was never ready to leave and always wanted to come back.

5. Are there any festive spring events in your city or town? If so, will you take advantage of them? 

No, festive spring events in my town.

6. Insert  own random thought here.  

I had a visitor at school the other day.

These two leprechauns turned 4 on March 9th.

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!


  1. Ahh...those leprechauns are so cute! I agree with your heart answer to number 4. Happy Spring to you!

  2. I may need to try mint juleps again; I don't recall enjoying it.

  3. The watermelon salad with mint sounds so refreshing. Great answer to #4 and those are the cutest little leprechauns I've ever seen.

  4. I am with you on the golf! Is your visitor a lamb? Your leprechauns are so cute!!

  5. Happy birthday to your grandsons! They look so cute in their leprachaun gear. Have a great day!

  6. oh yeah, I didn't think about cleaning the blinds and I'm going to have to do that this weekend. Not fun! Your little leprechauns are adorable! Happy Spring!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)?  My senior year in high school; we missed the entire m...