Tuesday, December 26, 2023

An adventure...

I love New York.  I know it isn't many peoples cup of tea, but it is mine.  It has been at least 10 years since I have been back.

Daughter and I were talking a couple of months ago, and we talked about going to New York.  I was thrilled.  We started looking at our schedules and started making plans.  I told her the grandsons (ages 5 and the twins are 3) get so many gifts at Christmas and in a month they are no longer playing with them.  This was my Christmas gift to them.

We left on Saturday and headed to Pennsylvania.  

First stop Sesame Street:

The boys rode many rides...

Saw many characters...

Decorated their own gingerbread cookie while drinking hot chocolate.

While in Pennsylvania, we headed to Hershey's Park.  We rode trains, made our own candy bar, and saw Santa Claus. And ate tons and tons of chocolate!!

I think I gained 15lbs here.

Finally, New York!!

We walked around the city, went on a doughnut tour, toured Rockefeller Center, went on a Polar Express Train ride, and went shopping.

We headed home Friday just in time for Christmas.  A little tired, but we all, especially the boys had a great time.

I like giving adventures instead of presents.

Hope all had a Merry Christmas. 
Wishing all a very Happy New Year!

Enjoy Life,


  1. What a wonderful idea! I need to keep that in mind for my grandson next year.

  2. I haven't thought about Sesame Place in years. My own girls went there when they were little and we lived in North Jersey. I am with you on New York. I love it, the energy especially. So glad you had a great trip. I like experience gifts too. I gave daughter1 and her family tickets to The Ark Exhibit in Kentucky and the museum that goes along with it this year. The boys are at a fun age to see it I think. I'd like to see it myself : )


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...