Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. Sum up your November in ten words or less. 

November's weather was one for the books! 70s /radiant sunshine.

2. Are you hosting any holiday parties this year? Attending any? Party pooper, party animal, or life of the party...where do you land when it comes to parties? 

I am not hosting a holiday party this year, don't know if I will be attending any. When it comes to parties, I am not a party pooper, but I wouldn't consider myself a party animal and I certainly am not  the life of a party.  Maybe somewhere in between cause I do enjoy going to a good party.

3. Do you purchase holiday clothing of any sort (sparkly tops, Christmas jammies, Santa suit, etc). 

Yes , just last week I bought a cute Santa Baby shirt that is gold sparkly.

4. What's your go-to recipe when you're asked to bring an hors d'oeuvre to a party? 

Fruit tray or vegetable tray...does this count as an hors d'oeuvre?

5. December 3rd is National Play Outside Day...what might you do to celebrate? 

I will have the twins and Blake this day.  If the weather is nice, I know we will be outside playing. The boys usually ride their truck/ El Toro, play hide-an-seek, or we have races.  

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

I had a great Thanksgiving.  I was at the church by 8am delivering my 5lbs of coleslaw then my sons-in-law came and we began delivering food. Our church delivered over 400 meals that day. 

My daughter and her family came around 4 that evening and we all ate around 6.  I forgot to take a single picture!!  and I am mad at myself for that!! AND I definitely overate; that is what my jeans are saying to me!

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy the festivities of the Christmas Season!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Thankful for the Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. Have you ever been on a cruise? If so where did you go and how did you like it? If not, do you have any desire to take a cruise someday? 

I have never been on a cruise.  This summer on my girls' trip, we all talked about going on a cruise for our next adventure.  I can't remember the destinations we all discussed.  So yes, I have a desire to go on a cruise. 

2. Tell us about your Thanksgiving plans...are you hosting? cooking? eating out? turkey or some other main? is it stuffing or dressing in your house? homemade cranberries or cranberries in a can? are pies on the dessert menu? what kind? what are your 'must have' sides? Tell us one thing you're especially grateful for this year.

My Thanksgiving plans are:  I will be preparing food to take to the church by 8am that morning 5lbs of coleslaw.  Around 10am I will meet back at the church, and my son-in-law and I will deliver food to needy families. This is something my family and I have been doing for at least 18 years.  

Then I will prepare dinner for my daughter and her family and my mom.  Daughter is bringing the turkey or ham and dressing, and I will be preparing the other items.  Most definitely a dessert but it will not be pumpkin pie!

I am so grateful for my little family and MY Friends.  My friends have been through hell with me!

3. If someone approaches you and asks for money do you give it to them? Do you drop money 'in a tin cup' that belongs to a person on the street? Do you have a specific charity you support during the holiday season and/or year round?

I usually give people money after being approached (I think it is because I am too scared not to especially when they bang on my car window.)  Where I live I haven't seen anyone with a tip cup on the street.  There are a few charities I donate to every year...St. Jude and Relay for Life.  This year I also sponsored a student who belongs to the Navagiators at her college.

4. Have you started decorating for Christmas? Is your tree up? Shopping done? Wrapped? 

No, I have not started decorating or buying gift for Christmas.  I like to take one holiday at a time.  The day after Thanksgiving I begin.

5. Create your own acrostic using the word THANKS. 






 6.  Insert your own random thought here. 

I pray all stays healthy through the holiday season.  The tridamic has hit our little area and school system (over 200 students out daily with 20 teachers absence.)  The flu, strep-throat, and stomach viurs!

Happy Thanksgiving!!



Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond

1. Last time you were 'dressed to the nines'? 

Probably 4 years ago at oldest daughter's wedding. 

2. Something recently that had you on 'cloud nine'? 

Getting hugs, kisses, and sayings "I love you" from these three boys!

3. Tell us about a time, circumstance, experience, or decision you made where the saying 'a stitch in time saves nine' proved true. 

I can't think of anything right now, but I am sure I have solved a problem before it became a bigger problem. (Surely I have in my 63 years!!) haha

4. A recipe you make that calls for exactly nine ingredients? 

As you all know, I planted a garden this year all by myself.  I truly enjoyed this!!  I made squash casserole from my squash!!  It calls for a little more than nine ingredients, but I don't count salt/pepper as an ingredient!!

5. This coming Friday is Veterans Day in the US of A. Will you mark the day in some way? Are you a veteran? If you live outside the US does your country have a day dedicated to celebrating veterans? 

I am not a Veteran.  Our school honors veterans with a special lunch, and my town honors veterans with a Veteran's Day celebration. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

This weather ya'll is AMAZING and I am lovin it!!  Temps in the middle 70s and the bright sunshine is fabulous!

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...