Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge

 1. Tell us about one small blessing you have counted in the past week? 

Charlie's dear cousin, Ricky.  He checks on me just to see if I need anything.  He volunteered to be at my house on Monday as I was getting a carport installed.  Well, the guys never showed up.  Ricky called them and was back at my house on Tuesday just to make sure the installation was done correctly.  He is truly a blessing to me everyday and I tell him I wouldn't know what I would do ,if not for him. 

2. Bastille Day is celebrated on July 14th...have you ever been to France? Any desire to visit or re-visit, and if so what site or city would you most want to see? (pretend for a minute international travel isn't an issue) 

I have never been to France and would love to visit someday.  The first site I would visit would be the Louvre Museum.

3. A food associated with France that you love? 

Chocolate E'clair!

4. Something you recently purchased where a coupon was involved? Do you regularly shop with coupons? 

I rarely shop with coupons; I use to though when the girls were younger and when I kept the grandkids.
The last purchase I made with a coupon was last month for my mother.  She wanted  something from Hardees and I used her coupon. 
Many, many years ago I attended a class on how to coupon.  I even purchased a notebook and had my sheets labeled....household items, frozen foods, toiletries, snacks,etc.  It was time consuming until I got the hang of it.  When the girls went off to college, this went by the wayside.

5. You have to give something away this week...what will it be? 

My nerves!!  I am going to go on this girls' adventure trip.  A little nervous about driving because I am so geographically challenged....turn left from the GPS but I turn right!!  It is so me and I am driving!!  A little nervous but I want to do this.
Since we have to give something away this week, any encouraging words are welcome!

6. Insert your own random thought here.

A few of us have been meeting at my local park around 7:15am to walk.  For the past few weeks we have noticed a creepy fellow sitting in his vehicle.  He just sits there and he is till sitting in his vehicle an hour later when we finish.  I don't know, there might not been anything to it,but it just gives me the creeps.
The other morning I was walking by myself and ran into a former teacher.  He told me not to go across the bridge (bridge goes to the other side of the park) because he had run into a couple of homeless people asleep on the bridge.  I told him I wasn't planning on going across the bridge since I was by myself.  Things are not the same as they were a few years ago, that is for sure. Maybe this is why I am nervous about my upcoming trip???

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!


  1. I worry about folks like that too. You don't know if they are going to hassle you or not but it can't hurt to be safe.

  2. What a blessing your cousin is. Also a blessing that the former teacher was there to warn you. I've watched too many episodes of Dateline to go walking in the park alone. Stay safe.

  3. Your girls' adventure trip sounds like so much fun - you can do it and you will probably make great memories! Be safe on your walks!

  4. You will have a grand time and you can do this!! We'll look forward to the pictures! If these are girlfriends I know say hi for me : )

  5. That is creepy, but is it possible that he's a cop? Maybe I've just been watching too many police shows! :)
    Have a great time on your girl's trip...half the fun is getting there!!!

  6. You can do it. You will enjoy that adventure. What's the worse thing that could happen? Even if you make a wrong turn that can be corrected. Be strong and courageous! Hope that helps. Happy Hodgepodge to you.

  7. i love eclairs....Have fun on your girls adventure trip! I agree..that guy sounds a bit creepy. We used to love to go to the city (Portland Oregon) but the homeless situation has gotten so bad, and there's still so much unrest, that we only go during the day and only to certain parts. It's sad.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...