Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. July 5th is National Hawaii Day...have you ever been to Hawaii? Any desire to visit or make a return trip? Pineapple, mango, or guava...what's your pleasure? 

Went to Hawaii in 2019 and most definitely would love a return trip.  I stayed on the island of Maui and the sunsets are absolutely breathtaking.  Seven days wasn't long enough!!

Pineapple  my pleasure and just finished some for breakfast yesterday morning.  Hawaii has the best tasting Pineapples!!!

2. Last time you were 'thrown in at the deep end'? Explain. 

For the past three years I have been 'thrown in at the deep end'.  With hubs death, I was responsible for the business end of the pharmacy (which I knew very little about), house repairs, vehicle upkeeps, and some financial stuff. And then with the death of my daughter, who was the pharmacist, learning to sell the business.  Shew! I have learned a lot and I am still learning and it can be so overwhelming. 

3. Sun, sea, sand, salt...your favorite when it comes to summer? 

How about the ocean with the sand in my toes.  There is just something so calming and relaxing about it.

4. Bury your head in the sand, the sands of time, draw a line in the sand, pound sand, shifting sands...pick one and tell us how the phrase currently relates to your life in some way.

Draw a line in the sand....I tried and let it happened again to me.  Then I cried and cried.  Even with family, I must guard my heart because it is just too painful.

5. On a scale of 1-10 (1 = make your own rules and 10=like a warden), how strict were your parents? If you're a parent where on the scale do you land? 

Gosh this is a tough one maybe a 6.  My parents were strict but not too strict. but I respected their rules and I knew the consequences of my rule breaking, but then again, I didn't want to disrespect my parents.  Today, I think there are many who don't care to disrespect their parents or hurt them.  No matter when their parents try to help them or what their parents try to tell them they still show disrespect.  It is just a different world now then when I was growing up.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

I need to quit being in contact (family ) with someone who isn't good for my mental health.  I was adjusting pretty good to a certain situation (still hurt) but let the person back in and helped this person tremendously.  Only to find out I was their work slave.  So my weekend was not the best...too much crying.  I learned a lesson... a hard lesson. Just guard my heart and keep my distance. 


  1. So sorry you've been hurt by family. Hope things get better soon.

  2. You've gone through some very rough times. I am sorry. Hugs.

  3. I bet Hawaii DOES have the best pineapple! Family members: Don't we want to give them the benefit of the doubt and hope that they would love us and treat us as we would them? That is so very tough. Prayers!

  4. Good luck steering clear of toxic family. Hawaiian pineapple is the best!

  5. I'm sorry you've been hurt by your family. That can be so hard.

  6. Bless your heart! You have certainly faced some big challenges and I am sure sorry about that. May each new day bring you added strength and wisdom.

  7. I'm sorry you're dealing with a difficult family situation. They are some of the hardest to navigate. I am with you on my toes in the sand. I need that right about now, but the calendar is too full. I told hubs I'd like a beach weekend for my birthday, so maybe in September.

  8. You really had a lot of very tough things thrown into your court. I can't imagine. Sorry for the loss of your husband and your daughter. My husband is a retired Pharmacist but he never worked in a Pharmacy but worked in the Biotech industry. It's good to have hedges to protect yourself from situations that can be detrimental to your health. Hope this coming weekend is a peaceful one for you.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...