Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge

 1. Feb 2nd is Groundhog Day in the US of A. Tell us about one day you wouldn't mind living over again, and why you chose that day. 

The day (night) January 15, 2018,  I held my first grandson.  Here I was holding this tiny being and crying at the same time.  A love like no other. This tiny being whose life is yours but not your responsibility but one who you would move earth for.

 2. Something you know beyond a 'shadow of a doubt'? 

I know beyond a shadow of doubt that no matter what I try to control, God is in control.  I am a slow learner and I have had to learn this lesson over and over.  'Be still and know that I am God' (Psalms 46:10).

3. Give us an example of history repeating itself in some way, in your own life or the lives of your children.

I was 28 when I had my first child and youngest daughter was 28 when she had her first son.

4. Snowed under, snow job, not a snowball's chance, snowbird, on thin ice, snug as a bug in a rug, tip of the iceberg, snowball effect, run hot and cold....choose a wintry idiom and tell us how it best applies to your life right now. 

Snug as a bug in a rug.  My school district has gone back to in person learning (still parents choice) so there is no more snow days (ugh) but we teach from home.  Sitting at my kitchen table, looking out the window at the  beautiful snow, teaching from home, and so happy that I didn't have to go outside this morning (temps 18 this morning and I am sure it feels colder than that with the wind chill) I am as snug as a bug in my home!  Make-up on, hair fixed, nice top on, BUT I have on warm sweat pants!!

5. Your favorite sign of spring? 

Seeing a crocus appearing .

6. Insert your own random thought here.
Even though we have been remote learning, high school sports have continued. (I know, right?) I need to mention, one player gets one ticket to give to a spectator so hardly anyone there to watch and cheer the team on. The team had their Play Against Cancer Game last week.  My late hub was a HUGE supporter of athletics and a few players shared this with me. 

I know hub was smiling from Heaven.
On another note, the twins aren't too fond of the snow.

Have a great rest of the week!  Stay Warm and Stay Safe!!!!


  1. The pictures from the game are sooooo sweet! My school system was going to take away snow days and have those be virtual, but the logistics of doing that are ridiculous. Kids would have to take their chromebooks home every night (because with the crazy weather, who know if it's really going to snow or not?). And...we go a few minutes more every day so we have built in snow days. If we used those as virtual days, how would we be compensated? Shorter school year? Hmmmm....

  2. Ahh...look how cute those twins are. Enjoyed your answers. So comforting to know God is in control. Grandchildren are such a gift. I loved holding ours and enjoying the cooing. Nice tribute to your dear husband. Hope the rest of your week runs smooth!

  3. Yeah, I am appreciating the ability to work from home during this snowstorm...

  4. Those pictures are just the best! What a bright spot in a world gone mad : )

  5. must say compliments on your answer to #2 and loved seeing all those great pics
    come see what we shared as answers at


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...