Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Love me some Wednesday Hodgepodge

Thank you, Joyce for the questions.  

 1. Something little you are loving right now? 

It is still is daylight at 6pm!!  Loving it!!  

2. Red roses or pink peonies? Red wine or pink lemonade? Red lipstick or pink polish? A cotton candy colored sky or a fiery red sunset? A book-movie-song you love with the word red or pink in it's title? 

Pink peonies (I need all the good luck I can get and hear they bring good luck), red wine ( it does help me sleep just a little before bedtime), I love red lipstick and seeing this trend has made me want to try it, but haven't pulled the trigger yet just don't think I can pull this off, a fiery red sunset for sure!
Movie--Pretty in Pink
Song--"Red, Red Wine"

3. What's something you currently have your heart set on doing-going-seeing-or experiencing?

Honestly, nothing huge!  Just going out with some friends for dinner would be nice in this strange season.

4. Who would you most like to have a heart to heart with right now? Is that possible? 

Probably my aunt or my close friends.  Possible? Yes!

5. Write an acrostic for the word L-O-V-E. 

Love God with all your heart

Our relationship with HIM is important

View the world through HIS eyes

Equally important, LOVE your neighbor

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Praying that I can handle the side effects from my second dose of the vaccine, which I will be getting on Thursday.


  1. Great movie choice :) I don't think I could ever pull off the red lipstick look. Plus I would be over concerned that it would be on my teeth ;)

  2. I chose the same song.

    Good luck with the vaccine.

  3. Did you have any issues with the first? Experiences seem so varied. I think you could most definitely get away with a red lip!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...