Sunday, September 16, 2018

Some happenings....

Some happenings....

#1 Daughter is getting married in 20 days!!! October 6th to be exact...
 I am thrilled for her and her future husband.  They became engaged the first of December....and now here it is wedding time. #1 Daughter, Amanda, is a pharmacist, and her future husband is a teacher..a government teacher.
Amanda had a bridal shower a few weeks ago...(I feel terrible about not blogging about this sooner, but with hub's sickness I simply forgot :(  :( 
Her colors are oasis and fall colors.  Since they both currently own their own house, they have pretty much two of everything.  Their plans are to purchase a piece of property and build their own house one day in the near future.
Here are a few pics of her bridal shower:

Her future mother-in-law, the lovely bride to be Amanda, and myself.

The lovely couple
Yesterday, we went to pick up her dress after they had finished with the is getting real, y'all!!  I cry every time I see her in the dress. Since it was only me with her, and since I know I will forget, and since I know I will be a little overwhelmed, I asked the lady if she would mind if I video tapped her as she was bustling up the gown.  She kindly agreed...Whew!  Now to show her matrons of honor...which will be her sister (who was home with a 7 month old) and her cousin (who was watching her son play football).

We are meeting with the wedding planner this week.  I keep asking my daughter about this and that and she says "Mom it is taken care of." But I have a list and I need to make sure before I can check it off...double check!!!!

A few days ago, we had a group of young ladies come to our house.  They had baked my husband, Mr. Charlie as they call him, some cookies. 

Before leaving, they asked if they could say a prayer for Mr. Charlie.  So they got in a circle and prayed for my sweet husband.

A few tears were shed, mostly from me and Charlie.  It was so thoughtful and touching knowing these young ladies baked cookies and wanted to come for a visit and pray for my husband.  So when people put down young people today....not all young teenagers are bad....there are some really good things teenagers are doing is just the bad gets noticed more.

My little man is growing up too fast....He really is....I love this age.  He was seven months old yesterday.

He is beginning to have a personality and a little temper!!

Today, was selfie Sunday at my church.  We have been planning this event for a few weeks.  We were given cards to invite people to church and take a selfie and post it to our church's face book.  It was really neat.  We had over 400 people at church today. 

The worship service was awesome and so was the can't have an event like this and not have food, now can you? 

Have a great week.  My prayers for all that has been and will be affected by Florence. Thankful that hub and I did not have to travel to Duke this week!

Enjoy Life

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Wednesday Hodgepodge

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