Sunday, June 10, 2018



I do believe this was my word for 2018....Believe.   

The year is almost halfway over (can you believe it?) and I hadn't really thought about my 'word'. The beginning of 2018 hasn't been all that great.  Hub's cancer tumors were not responding to his chemo treatment, hub's son had not allowed us to see grandsons (one I raised till he was 5 years old), youngest daughter and her hub were expecting their first child (worried because daughter had two back surgeries one in  November of 2015 and then another one in March 2016), and oldest daughter was still recuperating from her third open heart surgery and had just gotten engaged.

Believe, I kept telling will be okay....Just Believe.

Daughter gave birth to a healthy boy in January.  This little guy has been a blessing in more ways than one.  He has kept hub fighting this horrible cancer.  So much joy he has brought to our family.

Believe...oldest daughter came through her open heart surgery...
I might add, she did much better than me!
So excited for her upcoming wedding in October.
And I enjoyed going with her and our cousin to find the most perfect, beautiful wedding dress.

I haven't seen Nate a long time.  I miss him terribly and I cry...missing him so.

But I choose to day I will\...Believe 

Believe....hub wasn't feeling the best (emotionally...blood work was not up to par...) but he wanted to do some landscaping.  He knew he needed help...and so my cousin's son volunteered to help.
They both had a great time...not only doing landscaping but going out for lunch and traveling to  good ole Lowe's.  

Today was a good day...and hub wanted to grill out!!  We take full advantage of hub feeling good.

All got full...and then some rested while I cleaned up.
Believe...there will be more good days.  

Instead of carrying the baggage of worry....Cancer...and not being able to see grandson....

I Believe there will be more good days around the corner.

Have a great week!

Enjoy Life

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Wednesday Hodgepodge

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