Sunday, May 6, 2018

The Struggle

The Struggle is Real

I love candy....any sweets...
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Years ago, I would not buy any candy because I would eat the entire bag...
Image result for clip art  stuffing candy in your mouth
About three years ago, hub began craving sweets....huh?  Hub very rarely ate sweets...very, very rarely.  I started buying my candy ; no longer felt guilty because hub was also eating the sweets.

Last week, Charlie's oncologist told him to limit his sweet intake....very rarely was he to eat anything with SUGAR....
WHAT???  Everything contains sugar nowadays.  I love apples....loaded with sugar, I love Halo Mandarin oranges loaded with sugar....raisins loaded with sugar, bananas loaded with sugar, and the list seems to go on and on and on.  I began reading labels and looking up foods and was totally shocked seeing how much sugar is in certain foods....foods I never expected.  However, Doritos have very little sugar if any at all...Imagine that!

So the Challenge begins....trying to fix dinner without much sugar...It has already been a challenge fixing lunch and dinner without red meat....a no no for hub too!!  

This DARN CANCER (saying it mildly) is stealing now our food joy!!!!  I am so sick and tired of chicken and fish!!!  I feel like I can lay an egg any day!  We have eaten a lot of vegetables...and I MEAN A LOT!  I can't remember the last time I had a big, juicy hamburger...or a hot mouth waters just thinking about them. sugar is being taken away....

I just can't eat the foods hub can't eat in his presence.  

The struggle is real!

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