Sunday, March 12, 2017

Two related Words....Cancer or Cancel

Two words related.....

After life has thrown us a curve ball, I have been mad!  I mean really, really mad.  Hub's test results show that his cancer has is between the lining of the stomach and the small intestine and in the liver.

Let me back up till 2010
Hub went for a colonscopy in January problems just time for his colonoscopy.  During the colonoscopy, he was woke up saying he had a tumor and it was cancer.  Surgery was next to remove the tumor; weeks later a port was put in, and a couple of days later he began his chemo treatments.  He was scheduled for 12 treatments, but hub became allergic to the chemo on the 10 1/2 treatments. He has never missed an appointment and in 2015 was put on a yearly check-up.  His last check-up was in October 2016---blood work great and he was having no problems.

Then it happened......
Hub started having some pain in his lower abdomen the later part of December 2016....but after a few days it went away.  In February, 2017 the pain came back.  He went to the doctor after much fussing from me and his daughters.  A CT Scan was done on February 22.  Later that night his oncoligist called and said the scan showed spots in his liver.  WOW!  Hub was having his three year colonoscopy on February 27 so a PET Scan was also to be done that same day.  His colonoscopy was clear!!!  Not the PET Scan....a huge mass had shown up.  March 3rd he was seen by a gastroenterologist.  March 8th he had an endoscoptic ultrasound...this showed cancer.

I am furious....I HATE CANCER

I am trying to stay positive and happy around hub, but I want to fight cancer and punch it so hard.  I have had a shouting and crying match with God, then I had a shouting and crying match with the Devil.

During these matches, especially with the Devil, I thought to myself how the words Cancer and Cancel were related. Cancer is trying to Cancel our life....the fun times we have planned....Cancer is trying to Cancel our trips, Cancer is trying to Cancel our walks, Cancer is trying to Cancel our cookouts, Cancer is trying to Cancel our joy.....

I have news for you, CANCER I Will Not let you CANCEL ......
My gloves are coming off!!
Image result for gloves are coming off
Image result for i hate cancer


  1. Oh my goodness..I am so sorry to hear this.
    My dad had colon cancer... & has been in remission for 12 years now. Praying for your fight for you two.

  2. You and Charlie are in my prayers Tammy xo


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