Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Can you believe it's the end of January? What was the best day of January 2017 for you, and why?

Looking back at January, there isn't a day that STANDS OUT as being the best day.

2. What sounds make up the background noise in your life?

For the past few weeks it has been children talking and laughing.  We are experiencing a warm winter, so I have been running the ceiling fans.

3. I read on the Power of Positivity website a list of ten things to drop from your life right now. They are-

anger outbursts, people who put you down, regret, negative self talk, being a people pleaser, the notion you need to be perfect, the past (but keep the lessons learned!), gossip and judgment, comparing yourself to others, and the word hate (focus on what you love instead)

Which thing on the list do you most need to drop? Are you trying or will you try?

Anger Outbursts----I get so angry when I see someone mistreat a child....and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.  I am trying everyday to control my tongue and it is so difficult to do especially when family is involved.  One thing I realized is that a parent holds the Trump card in situations out of my control.

4. What is sacred to you?

First of all, God is very sacred to me.  Second would be my family.

5. January is National Oatmeal month. Are you a fan, and if so how do you like it?

Not a fan of oatmeal.

6. What feelings does twilight stir up in you?

Calm, tranquil, just a peaceful feeling.

7. Something you're looking forward to next month?

My new eyeglasses!!  BUT my eye appointment isn't until the end of Feb.  I wear hard contacts (yeah, I know dinosaur age), and I broke my glasses.  I wear contacts daily, but would love to slip on my eyeglasses now and then.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I will be teaching 3rd and 4th graders tonight at church.  It has been a few years since I have taught a Bible lesson to this age group. Nervous?? A little.
Also, on Thursday, hub and I will begin ball room  dancing lessons!!!


  1. Good luck tonight, Tammy. I am sure you will do great. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  2. That's on our bucket list - ballroom dancing lessons! I remember watched my brother-in-law's aunt and uncle glide across the floor at my sister's wedding, so beautiful, so perfectly in tune with each other, so graceful. I'm not sure my husband and I can match that but we'll give it a good try. Good luck with the 3rd and 4th graders.

    1. I remember WATCHING - fingers flying too fast over the keyboard this morning!

  3. Tammy, just keep reminding yourself that you know more than the kids do. And ballroom dancing lessons! How fun is that. We have friends who have been doing that for several years and love to show off their new steps and dances. I trust it will be equally as enjoyable for you.

  4. Ballroom dancing fun! I took a class way back in college and it was a blast! Good luck teaching your new group of kids'll do great, I'm sure!

  5. Ballroom dancing lessons sounds like so much fun! And I loved working with 3rd and 4th graders. At that age they usually want to please, have such wonderful imaginations, and haven't yet gone into that bratty stage. Good luck!

  6. Enjoyed reading your answers today! The Hodgepodge is such a fun way to get to know other bloggers.

  7. Ballroom dancing! How fun! Enjoy your lessons. Is there a place to go dancing near you, once you learn? I'd like to try it. You know my hubs is a better dancer than me, so he might be up for it.

  8. How did things go with the 3rd and 4th graders? When David and I were much younger, we had the 3, 4, and 5 year olds for Training Union. This was such a fun age to work with. Then, somehow we ended up with 6th graders. They were an interesting group, for sure. We got the same answers to questions from both groups. No matter what question we asked, whether the child was 5 or 12 years old, they would answer, "God and Jesus". :)

    Have a blessed week!

  9. Just like Suzanne said above, we once taught 3,4, and 5 year olds and 6th graders. Both groups were fun and they told us so much about their families. We should have written a book about it. No one would have believed what these kids said. It was fun. We were afraid at first, too.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)?  My senior year in high school; we missed the entire m...