Monday, May 30, 2016


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Hoping all is enjoying their Memorial Day Festivities.  A day for us to give thanks to all who have served and is serving our country. I, personally, can not thank all of you enough.

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I haven't been blogging for a few weeks.  Youngest daughter graduated the first of May from DPT school. She will sit for her state boards July 20th (prayers for her).

The main reason I haven't been able to blog is because of tears.  Oldest daughter has had two open heart surgeries when she was 11 months and 16 months old. May 16th we head to UVA for her yearly check-up.  The news wasn't what we wanted to hear.....get ready to prepare for another heart surgery.  Hub and I have known that this day was coming-after her second heart surgery we were told she would have to have another heart surgery later on.  For 26 years we have been riding high after her check-ups.  May 16th it seems like my world has stopped.  Daughter, who is now 28,shed tears when the news was told to be thinking about the type of heart valve she would want to have.  I held my tears in as I listened to the news.  The four hour trip home was very long...trying to keep up beat and trying not to shed any tears. Daughter kept talking about the surgery....first question....was she going to die.....second question...why was this happening now...she had her life going in the right direction..owning a pharmacy business and have a love life.  I kept reiterating the fact that her cardiologist said he would see her in 10 months to perform some other tests and let's just want and see what the other tests show (deep down my heart was crying with all these thoughts I was thinking).
Hub and I made it home...the tears came...the thoughts came...and the memories of her other two surgeries kept coming to my mind.  We have one more week of school left....and I am so thankful that I am finishing out the school year....being with kids has helped me to put my mind on someone/something else.  I know it is not healthy to hold it all in...but I do a lot of crying on Saturdays and yesterday during church service I broke down and the tears would not stop.  I keep telling myself that it can't be all that bad...10 months is a long time to wait and that God's plan is always perfect and right but my down time causes tears and pain.  During your prayer time please whisper a prayer for my sweet daughter...Amanda.

Have a Blessed Week.

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Wednesday Hodgepodge

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