Sunday, October 4, 2015

Weekend Rewind....

Weekend Rewind...

Image result for october

It was a rainy, windy weekend.  So thankful we did not get all the rain that was earlier predicted.  Prayers for safety for all caught up in the rain.

Finally, got around to putting my spring and summer pictures on a DVD.  I have not been too lucky with photo albums.  Either my pictures fall out or I forget to put them in an album so a few years ago I began putting all my pictures on a DVD and labeling them season/year.   For some reason, I was a little behind ( I blamed it on the wedding planning) but got all pictures finished this week. Instead of going to the football game Friday evening, Grandson and I watched DVD's and sat and watched/ reminiscing about all the fun adventures we had earlier in the year.

I woke up early Saturday morning and cleaned the house.  Shew! it about took me all day.  The wind was howling outside and Grandson was telling me to stop cleaning and watch the trees.  The trees were really bending to the ground.  Our lights did flicker a few times, but our electricity did not go off.  Another praise.

Later that evening, hub and I attended the Fall Festival held annually at the elementary school.  I like going to the silent auctions which is held in the library.  All classrooms donate a basket-the baskets have a theme such as movie basket which is filled with popcorn, movies, movie tickets, or a dinner out basket filled with gift cards to restaurants, pet basket filled with pet items,fire pit basket-a fire pit filled with items to make s'mores  and many more baskets.  It is a great fund-raiser buying/bidding on something one wants.  I spent a few hours in here just making my game plan on the baskets I wanted to bid on then I headed to play Bingo.  Grandson and hub were playing games and winning prizes and jumping in the Bouncy Houses.  The auction ends at 15 minutes before the ending of the fall festival.  I headed back to the library to place my bids.  There were three baskets I wanted. I kept watching the bids and slowly walking around to write my bid down.  I was able to get 2 our of 3.  I desperately wanted the third basket but just couldn't 'pull the trigger' to bid much higher than I had already.
The Harvest Basket--filled with all sorts of goodies for fall and

 The Pet Basket-for daughter...

Sunday the rain had stopped but boy was it windy.  Both grandsons came home with us after church. We played, read, and wrestled the Sunday evening away.

Ignore hub's shoe...both boys wanted to wear 'Buddy's' shoes!

The weather had me in the mood to do a little fall decorating.  

I managed  to put a few things out while still enjoying grandsons around.

Hoping the weather will be cooperative this week.  We have Special Games Day on Wednesday along with Homecoming festivities all week.  Looking forward to a great week of work/school.

Have a blessed week and Enjoy Life.

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