Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes. Are you blooming where you're planted as we begin the month of May?

I feel like I am in full bloom!

2. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being no big deal, and 10 being full scale panic, rank your fear of spiders.

I rank myself a 2-not very fearful.

3. May is National Salad Month (who knew???)...besides lettuce, what are two must-have ingredients in your favorite salad?

I love salads!!   The two ingredients, besides lettuce, would be croutons, and carrots.

4. I mentioned on my blog last week that my Daughter1 will be moving to Washington State after she is married. Of the following sites in the Northwest, which would you most like to see in person-Crater Lake (Oregon), Seattle (Washington), Vancouver (British Columbia), San Juan Islands (Washington),  Mt. Rainer (Washington) Oregon Coast (Oregon), Mt. St. Helens (Washington), or Olympic National Park (Washington)

Crater Lake-Oregon-just to see the water  heard it was a deep blue and very clear.

5. This coming weekend marks the 140th running of the Kentucky Derby...when did you last race (literally or figuratively) to cross a finish line?

This morning-running late for bus duty--Here lately, I feel I am in a race daily--working, home, T-Ball,  Coffee Shop, home-this has been my daily routine for a while.

6. What is something little you love?

When a co-worker invites me over for a girls' night out!!  Nothing fancy just something little and I love it!

7. Would you say you are more of a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? Elaborate.

Kinesthetic-need to be able to do it--haha

8.  Insert your own random thought here

Daughter #1 will be going to University of Virginia at Charlottesville for a stress test on Monday.  She has had two open heart surgeries and I am getting a little nervous.  Prayers appreciated.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. April 22nd is Earth Day. Are you inspired by nature? In what way?

Yes-I forgot to take the time to see or hear God's creation.  Life can get so busy we forget to take the time to really listen to the birds or the wind blowing; we forget to really look at the beauty of the rose or feel the grass beneath our feet.
There are moments when I just sit down and take in all of nature's wonders.

2. Down to earth, four corners of the earth, move heaven and earth, not have an earthly chance, or salt of the earth...which earthly idiom have you most recently encountered? Explain.

Recently down to earth.

3. Share one piece of advice you might give a newly engaged couple.

Hum....I see you and I are both thinking about this-Congratulations again!

First piece of advice would be to Put God First and Your Spouse Second;Secondly Keep Dating-before children this will be easy but after kids still plan a date even if it is just when the kids are in bed you watch a movie together

4. When did you last engage someone to perform a job, task, service, home repair, or improvement? On a scale of 1-10 (ten being the best) how would you rate their work and/or your satisfaction with the job or service provided?

A couple of weeks ago, my mother's heating system just kept running and running and would not cut off.  Hub called the repair man.  As of right now, it is still not fixed.  The repair man has said the company has sent the wrong part, and blah, blah, blah.  I am really upset with this company.  On a scale of 1-10, I would rate this service a 1 or lower.  This saddens me because this use to be the best heating/cooling repair company around.

5. When did you last find yourself engaged in small talk? Are you awkward or an expert or somewhere in between?

Just last night as a matter of fact.  I consider myself somewhere in between.

6.  What was the last historic place you visited?

Washington D.C.  

7. The world would be a better place if we just__________________________.

would be a little kinder and nicer to others, smile often, reuse/recycle, donate the following:time, blood, bone marrow, organs (on driver's license) or donate to charities.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Hub is running for Town Council (ahem).  Last night was the Candidate Forum.  I think he did great, but I am a little partial to this particular candidate.

Glad to be joining back to the Hodgepodge-just been burning too many candles on both ends here lately.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Weekend Rewind..

Weekend Rewind...

A fun-filled weekend!!  I wish it would have lasted a little longer.

Daughter #2 came home on Friday.  Still some much needed studying to do!  I keep telling her it will not last forever.

Daughter #1 purchased a house on Friday.  Woohoo!!  She is super excited and so am I.  She works from 8am-8pm Monday-Friday at the Pharmacy and form 8am-3pm on Saturday and she will go in after hours (many times) to fill a prescription.  I know she is tired, and I tell her this won't last forever.  She loves her job and I am so proud of her!!

Saturday after daughter got off work we (both daughters and I) went shopping!!  We left Dad to mow and spruce up the yard.  Sometimes us girls just need to go shopping-for no apparent reason-just shop and talk and eat and shop and talk!  I always get daughters an Easter Basket-that's what mothers do even when they are 26 & 24.  As we shopped the girls were looking at other things and wanted them and the conversation was going like this--Daughter #2_"I really want this Michael Kors Tote-but I need to save my money-I am engaged now and still in school"  Daughter #1-"I know exactly how you feel, I want a Kindle Fire so bad, but I am really in debt and I just purchased a house!"  As I listened to their conversations, I was really proud of my daughters and yes, they were right and really thinking with their heads. I then spotted a Michael Kors purse that I truly fell in love with.  As I was admiring the purse, both daughters said to me "Mom get it, it is the one you have been wanting."  I replied well, I have a daughter getting married and the other daughter just bought a house, so I think I will wait.   Both girls went to BAM, so you know what I did?  I went and purchased the Michael Kors tote for daughter #2 and a Kindle Fire for daughter #1. I  hid these in the trunk of my car under blankets with some other things. After some more shopping, we headed home.

Later that evening, I did show hub and daughter#2 finance what I had purchased for both girls.  Nice was their reply.  Now I was expecting a little more than just the word 'Nice' but coming from men I guess that was okay.

After church on Sunday, we took some pictures.

Love my daughters!

Daughter #2 with finance. "the happy couple"

Daughters with their nephews.

Hub and I with the grand kids.  By the way, hub got a great report on Monday -he doesn't have to go back to see his oncologist for nine months!!  What a Mighty God We Serve!!

After pictures, it was time to open up Easter Baskets. Of course, both daughters just had to change first.

Little kids first, I told them.
Camden's basket books and stuff animals.

Little man, loves Scoby Doo and the blanket was a hit.
Daughters with Easter Basket.
Yes, Kenneth this basket is for you.
and now girls you also have...


We ate lunch early because #2 daughter had to head back to Roanoke.  As lunch was ending, daughter #2 went out to the car to check on something.  When she came in, daughter #1 got up and stood beside her and handed me a package.  Inside my package was the Michael Kors purse I had wanted!

 I gave them both hugs and started to cry.  The surprise was on me.  They began telling me how they had handled me not knowing and so on....   I told them they shouldn't had-and then they  said don't worry Mom, we called Dad and put it on his credit card!  Again, I must say, I as so Proud of my daughters-they truly are a blessing to me everyday.

It is very quiet in  my house tonight.  All have left and went their separate ways.  I miss them terribly!  I know #2 daughter will be in again this weekend-we have a wedding to attend. But I still miss them.

Have a great week.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind..

A gorgeous, sunshiny, warm weekend in my neck of the woods.

My church held an Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday.  We had over 3000+ eggs to hide.  I began hiding eggs at 11 for the children.  The egg hunt began at 1:00.
Many people came...

there was free food/drinks

many prizes to give away--tickets were inside some of the eggs and you exchanged your ticket for a prize

and of course the Easter Bunny!

There was three different age groups:  the 4 and under

the 5-7 age group

and the 8 -10 and up age group.

What took hours to hide the eggs- ended in a few short minutes!!  Photo

I had to have my pic with the Easter Bunny!!

After the egg hunt, I went to watch little man play T-Ball.  This is such a fun age to watch.  All run around and kick the dirt and have a great time.  There is no harsh yelling at any umpires-heck there are no umpires with T-Ball!  All get to bat and no one is ever out!  Just to watch them try to field the ball and they think they have the ball in their glove, but the ball keeps rolling and rolling across the field-wish I could capture the look on their faces!  When the game is over all are smiling!  Now this is priceless!

Later that evening, we built a fire in our fireplace outside and made S'mores.  I did not eat any because I have given up chocolate (Lent).  I have never done this before-observe giving up something for Lent.  This year another teacher and I decided to do this.  It has made me stop and really observe and pay attention to the fact how much Jesus gave up for us.  Everyday I have been tempted to give in because I really love chocolate candy!  Even grandson bought me a cup of M & M's.  I have these hid away in my cabinet.  It was such a lovely evening to a perfect day.

Hub goes for his check-up tomorrow with the oncologist.  Asking prayers for a great report.  I get nervous every time he goes.

Have a great rest of the week.
We sung this song at church tonight and I keep humming this in my head as I write this post.
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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weekend Rewind...

Let's Play Ball

Little man is playing Tee Ball this year for the first time.  Opening day was yesterday.  Even though the sun was shining, it was a chilly start to the day.

Decided to put sweat shirts on -getting colder.
Each parent and grandparent stood shivering waiting to hear the name of their child or grandchild announced over the speaker to run on the field.

Shouts of whoops and claps as each child ran on the field.  For a minute my heart stopped-where was my youngest daughter? Oh, that's right she is now in grad school.  Where did the time ago? As I wipe a tear from my eyes.  It seems like yesterday I was watching her play Little League Softball.

The Tee Ball Teams played first.  All kids get to bat and play.

Little man always waves at me and yells for me to look.  
He was saying-Look I am on first base.  Yes, Mammow is there looking and giving the thumbs up signal.

I know some might not agree with me, but I like the rules of Tee Ball.  All get a chance to play and have fun and no score is kept!!  At this age, having fun is what it is all about.
Just look at this face!

All smiles after the game.

Sunday-I had 23 in my Wee Worship class (three/four year old program).  Lesson was on Daniel and the writing on the wall-I put shaving cream on the table for the little ones to mess with.  Mess with they did!!  What fun-I wish I had taken pictures-a moment to enjoy later.  As I have wrote before, I could have the worst week, and the most hectic Sunday morning, but these little ones make my day!!  What a message they say to me every Sunday.  I love each and everyone of them.

Later that evening, the little ones presented their Easter Program.  Each said his/her lines and rang the bells!  Great evening.

Have a great week!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...