Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Labor Day weekend (in the US of A) is approaching...what's something you've labored over this year? 

Getting our new business off the ground.

2. What is one word to describe your 'job' or career?

Rewarding.  Teaching is a rewarding job.  We (teachers) do not know about the rewards until many years later when a graduate sends us a card thanking us for all we had done many years ago or when someone just says if it wasn't for you I do not know what I would have done.  Teachers do more than teach-much behind the scenes goes on that the public is unaware of.  I love my job!

3. What was your worst or least favorite job ever? Why?
During the summer of my college days, I had a job working in a factory-sheet rock boards.  I decided right then and there to finish college and get a degree.

4. How do you measure contentment?

Tough one-I think one can measure contentment by happiness, but then life throws in a devastating curve ball and...  I really don't know the answer to this one.

5. Pickles-like or dislike? What is something you eat that requires a pickle? Dill, bread and butter, sweet gherkins...what's your favorite kind of pickle?

I like pickles-favorites would be dill and bread and butter.  

6. In your current house-town-state, what is it you like living close to?

The library.

7. What is one thing on your 'want-to-do' list before summer draws to an official close?

My summer has already closed-school is now in session.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Looking forward to opening up part of our business Friday evening after the high school football game-so stop by for coffee/cake after the game if you are in my neck of the woods.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's your worst food memory?  How about one of your best?

Hum...I can't recall a worst or best food memory.

2. Do you appreciate people telling it like it is, or would you rather a speaker temper his/her words and maybe beat around the bush a little?  How about when you're the one communicating...which type are you? 

I appreciate someone telling it like it us.  By the time someone beats around the bush, I am already too nervous/angry to listen.

I am very blunt about telling someone like it is.
3. What's your favorite place to hang out?

Any kind of coffee shop or book store.

4. When do you most feel like you're a slave to time?

Right now, almost everyday!

5. What was the last concert you attended?  Who'd you go with? Was it any good?

I do believe hub and I saw the Eagles in concert many years ago.  Gosh! I haven't been to a concert in years!  Now I really need to go.

6. Reality TV...harmful or harmless?  What's your guilty pleasure when it comes to reality TV?

What is reality TV?  Really is it reality???

7. What's something you think is overrated?

High School Proms--too much.  I think a person's special day should be her/his wedding.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Enjoying the swing of getting back into school (lol)  

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Weekend Rewind

Productive weekend in the Doane's house.

Friday I was able to do a 'little' house cleaning.  Just a little cleaning while hub was helping announce a high school football scrimmage.  It is that time of year again-time for football.  I was able to do some cleaning on the house.  This was okay especially when I had the house to myself for a change-easier to clean with everyone out and busy with their own activities.

Saturday, I attended a baby shower for one of my former teacher's daughter.  It was more like a teacher reunion than a baby shower. The mother to be was beautiful-as always-just hard seeing her all grown  up. Great conversation, memories, and food what a better way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

After the shower, hub and I went to purchase some more stuff for our coffee shop.  We plan on opening in two weeks--Yikes!   I was getting a little nervous not having things done-on my own timetable-so I warned hub what was in store for him when I returned home. Hub was a real trooper through it all.  I am a list maker and I had to have so many items checked off before I would quit!  Thankful hub didn't mind going from store to store until I was satisfied with the purchases.  Did I mention I had drunk a ton of coffee at the baby shower so I had very high energy levels.

After church on Sunday, I marched my family to the coffee shop and began giving orders.  I think I am a drill  sergeant when it comes to getting things done.  Not good for one to expect to sit around with me in charge-no way.  Pictures were hung, tables cleaned, stuff put away in storage, walls decorated, and jars cleaned.  Yeah-very productive in a few hours.

Then I made another list.-- 28 items for hub to do this week.  Hub looked at the list and said no problem.  (ahem)  Time will tell.

I did survive the first two days of school!  Now if I can survive the first full week of school-with bus duty week!

Have a great week.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wednesday hodgepodge

1. My daughter earned her Master's Degree this past weekend...what's something you've 'mastered' in recent weeks or months?

Since beginning our 'business adventure,' I have most definitely mastered the skills in building. Truly admire contractors because most do know what they are doing and it is extremely hard work.

2. What song most reminds you of your childhood?

"Twinkle, twinkle little star" the first song that popped into my head.  I remember just gazing at all the stars while walking with my dad down the road to my grandparents' house.  

3. What do you think about single gender groups and/or events? Should everygroup/event be open to both genders?  If not, what sort of exceptions do you think are appropriate? 

It should depend on the event.  Sometimes I think it is great to just have a single gender group/event-I love my hub dearly, but sometimes just want to be with 'the girls'---book club comes to my mind.

4. What's your favorite spice? Your favorite dish containing your favorite spice?

Very seldom use any spice-maybe only pepper.  However, now having a doctor in the family (YEAH) daughter has told me many benefits in using spices. A few examples-oregano kills bacteria, cayenne increases metabolism, bay leaf is a anesthetic and the one for me to begin  using is sage-this one helps with memory.  My questions now-what foods do I use these in! and the foods have to be very simple-my skill is not in cooking.

5.  I saw this question on Marla's facebook page and asked if I could 
steal borrow it for the Hodgepodge...thanks Marla!  

Chevron patterns are everywhere!  Do you like it or think its just a little too much? Do you own anything 'chevron'? 

I like the Chevron but it is a little too much sometimes.  I have a few tops and dresses that are chevron.

6.  What's something you disliked as a child, but can fully appreciate now?


 and having disciplined parents!!

7. What can irritate you very quickly?

Anyone making fun of people with special needs-or hearing someone say "you are retarded"-I will speak up when I hear or see these believe me and what I say isn't always pretty.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
I am glad to be back participating-have missed this.  

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Weekend Rewind

This is going to be more like summer rewind instead of weekend rewind.   Can you tell I am already back in school?

Looking back, I haven't written in a couple of weeks.  So...

Our new business-pharmacy, coffee shop, and country store is moving right along. We are in the short rows now, and I am getting excited. By the way, daughter #1 has passed her other state board test.  I have two pet ;peeves about the state boards-first, with all the technology we have today daughter literally was sick for a week wondering if she passed the test.  The test was on taken on the computer and when the submit test button was pushed why can't it show whether she passed right then besides waiting. Second-I get agitated that a test will determine your profession.  These are medical professionals-I think their brains are already in a  state of over load.  Back to our business-got a little side tracked....   It stopped raining for a couple of days, and were able to fill in.  Grandson loved riding the dozer.

We plan on opening in September-Yeah!!  Hub says I can't retire from teaching just yet-but who knows.

Children's program at the library ended and grandson was able to choose a free book.  He really loves to be read to, and now is beginning to choose books he likes.

He also chose a dinosaur for his prize.

Spent the past few days in Pigeon Forge.  Hub and I took grandson, and we ventured to Dollywood.  It has been at least 11 years since we went to Dollywood.

 I don't mind riding the rides, never had.  However, there is one ride, I just can't handle and that is the swings. Of course, this was his favorite ride.

 I think he rode these 8 times, no joking.  I only rode them with him twice and that was enough for me.
At first, I was a little skeptical about taking grandson to the park, but it turned out to be a great day!

While in Pigeon Forge, the weather cooperated with us. It has been a rainy summer here.
We were able to go swimming

 ride go carts
and play games
A few days to relax and enjoy the end of summer before heading back to school.

  I think we start back earlier and earlier every year.  I always dread going back-hub jokingly says he remembers me saying I dread the end of the school year (this I say) and I kindly reply-it depends on when you ask me-(chuckle).  Going back to school means my summer is over and being somewhat lazy has come to an end.  Although this summer, I have not had a chance to be somewhat lazy with our new business and all.  Even though I dread the beginning of school, I still after (31 years) get enthusiastic when the first student steps in my room-which will be Thursday for me.

Wishing all a great week.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...