Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday hodgepodge

1.  When were you last facing an ocean? Using just ONE word, describe how you felt as you faced that ocean. 

Last facing the ocean-in June 2012.  Finally, we were  able to go as a family this past summer.  Having daughters in college makes it a juggling act with schedules.

As I faced the ocean, I felt very tranquil.  

2. What are three sounds you hate to hear?
Blaring sirens-fearful sound to my ears especially if I know family has headed in the direction the sirens are going

Car brakes-who almost hit me????

A squealing scream-I know something good has not  happened.

3. This question comes to you courtesy of some real life friends. Hi real life friends! When you shop for yourself, do you try everything on in the store before buying or do you buy, try on at home, and then return what you don't like or what doesn't fit?

Usually, I try everything on before buying.  Most of the time, I carry my items around then decide not to try on or purchase.  My family always says this irritates them.  How?  I don't know.

4. February 26th is National Pistachio Day...are you a fan of the little green nut? Do you use them in cooking and baking or prefer to eat them right out of the shell?

Huge fan of Pistachio-eat them right out of the shell.

Bought a bag last summer-a small bag and was $16.00-haven't had any since then.  

I have made a pistachio salad-very tasty. Also, very simple and easy to make-which is right up my alley!

5. When did you last have to compromise with someone?  Were you happy to reach the compromise or slightly irritated it was necessary? 

I can't remember-a good thing for me.  I am sure since I can't remember the last time, it will happen shortly-isn't this always true.

6.  Have you ever written a letter to an elected official? Did you get a response?


7. We 'March' into a new month at the end of this week...what's something on your March calendar guaranteed to make you smile?


8.  Insert your own random thought here.

The weekend is getting closer!  Yay!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Weekend Rewind...,

Weekend Rewind...

Weekend weather was gorgeous.  We had sunshine!!  Personally, the cold doesn't bother me very much now (I attribute this to hot flashes LOL) but I definitely need the sunshine.  I am not much of a cloudy, rainy day and believe me we have had too many of these lately. 

Hub and I went to see the Rhondels Friday evening.  Such a treat for me.  Earlier in the week #2 daughter just couldn't understand why on earth we would want to see a group that was popular in the 70's or 80's.  When I reminded her, I graduated from college in the early 80's and was married, I honestly think she just didn't get in.  Really, I believe our children don't see our REAL age which is perfectly fine with me.  Back to the Rhondels-even with their age-which I do believe the man playing the saxophone was in his 70's-they sounded great.  Of course, I love beach music!  

Earlier this week, I have to tell you all this-#1 daughter came in and looked at me and said, "Only you Mom could this happen to."  I had no idea what she was talking about.  Daughter #1 is still on her pharmacy rotations at a hospital about 45 minutes from here.  On Monday nights I have been going to Zumba.  Even though daughters laugh and say I don't do the movements correctly and so I am not getting the benefit of going, I still go.  Zumba like I tell my daughters is also good for the mind!  Back to my story-a few months ago a young gentleman-who looks to be in his late 20's or early 30's has been coming.  This gentleman is very tall and he usually changes from his suit to his work out clothes.  He explains to me he has been in  many Latin countries, and he has missed Zumba and the Salsa dances.  I tell him I am glad he has came to our class.  He stands in front of me during the entire Zumba class.  He is just so tall and I have a very hard time concentrating during class. Yep, he returns the following week, same spot, and all.  The instructor can read my mind and she tells me after class-to not have those thoughts-if you know what I mean.  I haven't seen him for a while and hadn't thought to ask what happened to him until this week.  Daughter, proceeds to tell me-that she has met him-He is a doctor and he is the one who attends Zumba in Chilhowie.  Amanda and he put two and two together and both realized it was me he stood in front of.  Amanda couldn't believe I didn't know that.  Why should I know that-he might had told me his name, but I was just stunned that he wanted to do Zumba-with a bunch of old  women. He also told Amanda, he only talked to me because he thought I was young-my hair wasn't gray-that's what he said-of course, I dye my hair!! I can't wait to go tomorrow night to tell the instructor I know about our mystery man-and all.  Looking forward to the look on all the women's faces when I tell them the news!  Maybe it is just me, and I don't mean to judge but it is just odd (and I don't want to offend anyone) seeing a younger male at our Zumba class.  

Sunny skies -a beautiful weekend....we all enjoyed the sunshine and took advantage of our Saturday.  We took grandson to the park and enjoyed the afternoon.
 Daughter #2 was happy because boyfriend was able to come and and enjoy the day with us. Later, hub grilled out for dinner.
Have a great week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. When were you last 'on a mountaintop'?  You may answer in the literal or figurative sense.
Literal-last year-too scary for me.  Charlie decided to take a scenic route-NEVER, NEVER  AGAIN.  I swear I will get out and walk the next time.
Figurative sense-I am drowning in paperwork!

2.  Do you establish and maintain a strict budget in your household?  What is one piece of financial advice you would offer someone just starting out on their own? 

Maintain a budget-yeah, but not a strict one.  I have always tried to live within my means.  I will use credit card but shortly right after-deduct the amount-never paying payments.  A piece of advice: save for a rainy day because you never know what expenses might come up unexpectedly, and: don't live a champagne life on a beer income!

3.  Cherries-yay or nay?  Cherry pie, cherry cola, black forest cake, or a scoop ofBen and Jerry's Cherries Garcia...pick one. 

Easy one for me-NONE!  I can't stand cheeries!

4.  Should you ever discuss religion or politics with people you don't know? 
Personally, I don't reason being-we all have our opinion because we are all entitled to one.

5.  When you take a road trip do you prefer to be the driver or the passenger?  Where were you headed on your last road trip? 

Both-this doesn't make the trip seem so long.  When I am the passenger, I read and eat!  Last weekend I headed to Harrisonburg, Virginia-for the weekend.  I need to write a post about this-an interesting purchase at Parks-Belk-only me.

6. If we peeked inside your closet, what color would we say is most prevalent?

Mostly browns, blacks, and orange.  I don't know about you but I am ready for the spring colors-bright pinks, greens, and yellows.

7. Who's your favorite senior citizen and why are they special?
Don't really hang out with the older generation-LOL!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
It has been a very busy couple of weeks around here.  I feel like I am in a whirl wind.  Yesterday, I found out our health insurance is going up 18.4%-:(

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1.  Chinese New Year will be celebrated on February 10th, and 2013 is the year of the snake. When did you last see a snake?  Are you okay around snakes or do they give you the shivers? 

Snakes give me the shivers.  Hub and I built a house in the country a few years ago before we had children.  When I say built, I really mean we built it with the help of a few people (his dad and brother who were contractors).  Anyway the land we purchased was close to an apple orchard.  I absolutely loved the location-not many neighbors around and close to town.  One summer (after the girls were born), I thought what was that on the deck-a black snake!  Now at first I was okay, but after a few summers and seeing more and more black snakes we moved!  The farmers around couldn't believe I was scared of a black snakes-but scare wasn't even close-I was petrified!
Grandson , on the other hand, isn't scared!

2. The color red in Chinese culture usually means good luck.  Do you believe in luck? 

No, not really.  I do believe to seize all opportunities that may come your way.

3. sledding-ice skating-building a snowman...if given a choice, which activity would you choose?  Which of the three have you done most recently?  
I like all  of these, but since I should choose-I choose sledding.  I haven't been sledding in a very long time-there isn't a hill around close by.  I do remember going sledding and having a campfire close by. The thrill of going down a hill was so much fun!  Recently helped build  snowman-couple of weeks ago.

4.  Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited as saying, "The years teach much which the days never knew."  Where have you seen this quote played out in your own life?
Almost everyday.  At the end of the day, I look back and think to myself how I could have handled a situation differently, said something kinder, been a little more understanding, or just had a little more patience.  The older I get, the more I wish I could go back and relieve some of my days a lot different.

5. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?  
A couple of months ago-birthday cupcake for daughters.

6. What's something you can't say no to?  
Volunteering for things-now many of the 'younger generation' just will not do what should be done.  I am tired and getting older but I don't want to see programs go by the wayside-so I say-"Okay, I 'll do it if no one else will."

7.  Are you a doodler?  
Sometimes-if I am worrying or concentrating on something, then I find myself doodling more,

8.  Insert your own random thought here.  
I pray for no more rain!  Our ground is saturated and can't hold anymore!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...