Wednesday, June 13, 2012

1. In what way are you your own worst enemy?
Being a perfectionist. 

2. Jacques Cousteau's birthday was Monday, June 11th...ever been scuba diving? Is that something you'd like to try? What's your favorite 'under the sea' creature?
Definitely no sucba diving for me.
The only 'under the sea' creature I can think of is a dolphin.  Does that count?
3. On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable are you in and around the water? (1=not at all, 10=very) Do you know how to swim and if so how and when did you learn?
When I was younger, I was stepped on while swimming under water and had to be pulled to the top.  I never went back in the water (swimming or diving) after that incident.  Now I wish I would have so I would have gotten over that fear.  I am not comfortable at all around the water.  However, I do enjoy a boat ride on the lake.
4. What's something you do to motivate yourself to tick an item off your to-do list?
Either having my hub reminding me about it or if it is something visible I get tired of looking at it.
5. What makes a good neighbor? Are you a good neighbor?
One that is there to lend a helping hand when needed.  Good neighbors are friendly and social.
I consider myself a good neighbor-examples:  I have prepared dinner (not fixed-since I hate to cook-bought dinner) for my neighbors just because I wanted to no particular reason, taken trash cans to driveway for them, gotten newspaper for them, etc.  A person can be a good friendly neighbor without being intrusive.
6. Who loads the dishwasher at your house? Is there a right way and a wrong way?
I load the dishwasher. Yes there is a right way to do this.  If not done correctly, how can all the dishes fit in the diswasher properly.
7. You know it's summer when_________________________.
You have been bitten by those nasty mosquitoes.
8. Insert your own random thought here.

Bible School Week this week.  I had 23 'little people' three/four year olds Monday and Tuesday night.  Thankfully for all the helpers. 


  1. We have Vacation Bible School next week.

    We are blessed to have, for the most part, great neighbors here.

  2. 23??? I bet you slept GREAT those nights!

  3. We don't seem to get mosquitoes around here, oddly enough. No complaints from me! I used to love teaching Vacation Bible School!

  4. The Mosquitos are already bad this year. We have had so much rain which I'm sure doesn't help. Have fun in VBS...I love that age!

  5. Use to be a perfectionist, I'm over that now but I wouldn't mind a little of it back. You ARE a good neighbor! Mosquitoes is a great answer. Looks like a fun VBS and I love the name "Adventures on Promise Island."

  6. LOVE!!! your random thought today. And a boat, not knowing how to swim, I can handle that too, but I MUST have a life jacket on. And the one that is steering the boat must not be drinking. Oh...don't mention those nasty blood suckers....I itch just reading about 'em.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...